I couldnt believe he was dead

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I couldn't believe he was dead. It had been weeks and I still couldn't emotionally collect myself. I was sat down on the sofa with Daryl's crossbow in my arms and his jacket on my body.
"Today?" Rick stepped into the house.
He would check on me every day to see if I was ready to get out the house. I never was.
I held Daryl's crossbow to me closer and looked at Rick with eyes that were going to let out tears.
"I'm going to take you to his grave today," Rick stepped forward.
"I don't know if I can Rick," I shook my head while holding back tears.
"You can," He nodded, "I know you can and it will help.
"Fine," I got up and swung the crossbow on my back.
"So we aren't taking them off yet," Rick sighed.
"I'm sorry. I cant," I shook my head.
"Its okay," Rick put an arm round me and we left the house.

We arrived at the graveyard and I saw Daryl's grave. Both me and Rick walked over and I sat in front of it. Rick stepped back a bit more.
"Uh... hi honey. I'm sorry I haven't visited," I cried, "I've been so emotionally overwhelmed. I miss you so much. I miss your voice. Your smile. Your laugh. Your hugs. Your everything. I miss everything about you. Now it feels like part the worlds missing. Part of my heart is missing since you left. And I dont blame you for that. You were taken from us. I love you. I love you so much."

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