Chapter Seven: The "Mission"

Start from the beginning

The droid was silent. Sala had him. Every word she said spelled out his intent in words.

"Think about what you did! It's twisted, isn't it?" Sala sighed, "When you find the stomach to do so, I would appreciate an apology for what you have done. Until then, I have some research to conduct." She began striding toward the closet to grab something.

"Sala!" The droid called, trying to keep Circuit's hiding place secret, "I'm sorry- I realize what I did was wrong... I shouldn't have had it out for you. Will you accept my apology?"

Sala Te eyed him up and down. She sensed he was being somewhat genuine, but at the same time, his expression of regret seemed a little rushed. No matter, she accepted, dropping her grudge, "I forgive you... Just don't do that again." She reached for the panel to open the door.

"Alright- BUT! Is there anything I can do to help you in your lab to express my gratitude?"

"Not at the moment," Sala replied, "maybe later." Then she opened the door.

Poor Circuit gasped in shock as he fell out of the closet and at Sala Te's feet. He scrambled to his feet, trembling.

"AZI-83? What is this cadet doing in my supplies closet?" Sala asked, looking at the panic-stricken boy and then the fidgeting droid.

Before AZI-83 could respond, Circuit began to speak, "I won't lie to you, Madam Sala Te." He began to sob in fear, "83 and I were going to fetch a mechanic droid memory chip so that he could make something for Null, my brother. Please don't turn me in or expel me from the program! I was only trying to help him!" Circuit was in tears, gasping softly.

Sala felt compassion for him. She knelt and opened her arms for him, "Come here." She told him softly, "It's alright. I won't punish you."

Circuit laid his head on her chest, steadying his breathing as Sala wrapped him in her arms.

"There there. It's alright. Dry your tears." Sala whispered. She gently stroked the back of his head in a mother-like way. Sala seemed different than the other Kaminoans. Sure, she held high esteem, but she was also a gentle and caring spirit who genuinely cared about the clones, unlike her overseer, Lafa Re. Granted, Sala had a careless attitude when the cloning began, but now found love and compassion for the clones that she and her fellow scientists had brought to life. Each clone was like her child, and she loved them all. "Tell me, what is your name and what division are you from?"

"I'm Circuit-" He whispered, "My squad was the one that endured the tower surge. We're the defective bunch..."

"Really? I delivered you and your squad when that tragedy hit your development towers. What mutation did you get from it?" She asked, trying to make conversation with him.

"I don't know... I'm the only normal one." Circuit replied, relaxing in Sala's embrace.

"The only normal one..." She repeated in shock. 'Could it be? Is it the boy I wished to test those four years ago?' Sala pulled away to look at him, "Cadet- you've astounded me since your delivery... I've always wanted to find your difference. The Surge did something to your brain, and I never found out what trait was added to you. You are the only clone in your squad with a gifted, not an enhanced ability."

Circuit gasped softly, "Really?" He looked into Sala's large, greyscale eyes.

"Yes... Tell me- do you specialize in anything?" Sala asked, "Give me some information, and in return, I'll get you what you need and deliver it to your room."

"Well, I've been excelling in all my classes, but then again, I study with every chance I get- so far, I've been doing well with code and mechanics... I like that stuff, so that's not much of a gift either." Circuit sighed, "It makes no sense... What's my gift, Madam Sala?"

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