Chapter Twenty-Two : Poked and Proaded

Start from the beginning

   "Well aren't we all interested to know why this Janson guy is helping us?" I asked but no one answered me. It was probably because they didn't want to know the answer.

   "Well Mr. Doss..." Janson told me and I turned my head a little, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

   My name sure as hell wasn't Doss, but it didn't really sound like a regular first name at all. It was almost like a last name. Desmond Doss. Was that my full name? How the hell did he know something not even I knew? Maybe he forgot  my real name or misheard it.

I chose to believe that.

   "...the reason we're helping you is because the world is in a precarious situation and we're all hanging on to a very thin thread." Janson finished but his answer didn't make me feel better.  "The fact that you kids are able to survive the Flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity's survival."

   "So who's to say you aren't WICKED too?" I asked which made Newt tug on my arm, forcing my attention to him as he shook his head.

   I took a deep breath, the last thing I wanted to do was start something that didn't need to be started. Maybe Buck was wrong when she grabbed the knife. Maybe she was stressed and being classic kill-now-talk-later Buck. Or as Charlie would call it, scary lady mode.

   Finally, our little tour ended when Janson brought us to a large metal door, scanning his key card quickly. The door slid open cleanly, showing us a new dank hallway with faded white walls and flickering fluorescent lights illuminating the room. I winced with a fake smile, trying to look optimistic for Newt's sake. Thomas wasn't trying at all. You could see his suspicions from across the room.

   "Beyond this door lies the beginning of you're new lives." Janson said and I leaned closely over to Minho.

   "Yeah, and the need for a tetanus shot." I whispered to him and the boy laughed, turning to look at me. 

   "I have no idea what that is." He whispered back and my face fell to an annoyed expression.

Sometimes I wondered how Minho got by in life.

   "Now, first things first, let's do something about that smell." Janson said with a smirk, but if you ask me, it felt kinda gave me pedo vibes.

   "Excuse you." Minho responded in a revolted tone. "It's probably Desdick over here with the radiating gayness."

   "Newt's gay but I don't see you hassling him over it!" I yelled at him but Minho just shrugged. "I'm gonna kill-!"

    Before I could make my attack, Newt grabbed me by the ear and pulled me down the hallway with everyone else in pursuit. When Newt finally let go, I looked over to Minho to see him sticking his tongue out at me in a mocking way. I flipped him off in return before looking forward only to find Newt glaring at me.

   "I can't get a bloody rest with you too can I?" He asked but I shrugged, shaking my head.


I will say, the showers we were gifted was one of the best experiences of my life. Water rushed down my body as dirt and sweat washed off and down the drain. It was warm and refreshing, the sounds of all the others crying out happily making me smile. Once we were done there, we were each given a new set of clothes that were soft and new, way better quality then what we had before.

They didn't even give us any time after our shower to relax before we were stolen from the bathroom and thrown into a lab. Like vultures, doctors came walking up to our group, separating all of us and bringing us over to their station. I stared at them suspiciously as the doctor lady who took me stared at me with what could have been a sweet smile. I blame my distrust on Buck, who has taught me to trust no one.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now