The fall of Ursus, Pt. 2

Start from the beginning


Five Minutes Earlier.

I regret jumping through the hole. As soon as I got through, I was met with the sight of alarmed Emperor's blades, Ursus Royal Guards, Sarkaz warriors, and a Ton of terrified or arrogant Ursine Nobles, if not all of them . . . Come to think of it, this is the perfect opportunity, isn't it? This is a treasure trove of kills . . . and an opportunity to make Ursus a subject of the Imperium all at once.

UN=Ursine Noble

UN1: What?! How did He get in here!?!?!?

UN2: It doesn't matter! The Blades and Royal guards will make short work of him.

I laugh at them, making them slightly alarmed.

UN3: What are you Laughing at, Peasant?!

I then pull out one of my Ace of Spades Revolvers and fire.


The Noble falls dead, bullet in the forehead, two in the eyes.

Y/n: The mere fact that you called me a Peasant is enough for me to kill.

I then release one of the souls of one of my Daemons to posses his body. The body Mutates an morphs to fit the form of the Daemon, albeit a bit gory.

 The body Mutates an morphs to fit the form of the Daemon, albeit a bit gory

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(Spirit of Discord, Mid-tier Daemon)


Y/n: One of my Daemons. You see, I am the Daemon King . . . The god of Chaos, the Cults, that may or may not exist in this new dimenion, call me Lord Malice . . . or Malal, my true name is Y/n. Slayer of the Old gods and bringer of both order and discord. Son of the Former Emperor, which is now my title, of the Imperium of Man. Primarch of the Knights Luminous Legion Astartes. this, is one of my Daemons, a spirit of discord . . . If you would deal with the nobles please?

Daemon: Of course . . .

The daemons then dissapears into the shadows, and begins to reappear and disapear within the Noble's shadows, killing them.

The Blades and the Royal Guards begin to engage me, I look to see Some Tyrant Guards and Tyrranid Warriors followed me through the breach. I see they've begun to engage the guards and Blades already.

A tyrant guard grabs two royal guards and snaps them in half, and throws them at a Blade.


A royal guard makes it's way to me, and attempts to stab me with a halberd.

I simply grab the halberd by the blade and break it, grabbing the pole of the halberd, yanking it out of the guard's hands, and stabbing the blunt end through his chest before pulling back the hammer on my gun and firing at his head, killing him.

Y/n: If these are your royal guards, I'm thoroughly disappointed. I thought they would be more of a challenge . . . Even your "Super-Soldiers", Emperor's Blades as you call them, are no match for even the weakest of adult Imperial. You should be counted lucky I only brought my new Hive-Fleet. Imperials would've broken your spirit first by making you watch the rest of your cities burn . . . and then we'd burn your resources, destroy your economy, and then attack. The Imperial guard wouldn't even bother to probe you with troops first, they'd just use artillery till there isn't a city anymore.

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