Start from the beginning

I opened the door, immediately lowering my head at the sight of the armor, knowing this was one of the guards.
Silence loomed as I awaited orders.


The voice came out more like a question, his tone was deep and silvery. My eyebrows arched at the direct name call, my gaze slowly lifting and emerging into familiar blue eyes.

It was the King's guard. The guard I saw last night and the same guard I saw just this morning. The one who was missing all this time and was back, the one by the pump.

"Is it not?"

I nodded, slowly, unsure of what to say. Knowing guards were normally tough on slaves I decided not to test anything, lowering my head again, "It is, Sir."

Silence loomed between us and I stared at my toes, unsure of why we were just standing there. Was I in trouble? Had he overheard Vale and me discussing our escape-

"A pretty name." he finally grunted, causing my eyebrows to arch at the absurd remark, my gaze snapping up to meet his but he had already turned, walking off.

I took this as my cue to follow, closing the door behind me, I treaded in silence behind the guard.

There was something strange about him. Why would he say a kind word to me? I would not dare call it a compliment.

That would be too good to be true.

I already know this guard. He watched the other slaves bully me. I already know him by the look in his eyes when he looked away. It is the look that I see every day.

I am of no importance- lesser than none.

Why then did he seem kind today? Why was there a different look in his eyes? Why did I notice his eyes only yesterday?

"Liston," he spoke glancing back at me for a moment as his armor clanked with every heavy step

I glanced at his back as we walked down the halls. Unsure of what he was saying.

"That is my name if you wish to know." he hummed.

I was only further confused. Why would he give me his name?

I knew not what to say so I merely hummed. Unsure of this conversation. Unsure if I was comfortable talking to a guard this way. I uttered a singular word.


I noticed his pace gradually slowed, allowing me to easily catch up. I was a bit feeble this day: I had woken up late and not had my breakfast, neither was lunch served for slaves unless supper. 2 meals a day.

"I wish to apologize."

I froze at these words. Words such as those are never supposed to leave the mouths of selfish guards.

I gazed at him through hooded eyebrows pacing only slightly behind him, lest it looked like I had thought myself an equal to him.

"I should have stopped the other slaves from letting you pump water into all their buckets."

I blinked at this, my throat running dry.

Part of me thought I was still in the library, dreaming and I would wake up and keep cleaning.

For in what world would a guard apologize to a slave- A keffer no less?

"I do not deserve your apologies, Sir. It is not your job."

He grunted at this, "No.." he paused, "It's mere decency to be kind. And I am a decent man am I not?" his gaze shifted to mine and I caught it unaware-

Certain humor danced in them as he spoke. Pleasant humor not one of spite, but I could not register this in real-time.

MATED TO THE NIGHT WOLF (MTTNW)Where stories live. Discover now