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— otoya's shenannigans

rin and yn arrived rather quickly to the lunch table. it was only then did she remove her hand from rin's cold grasp. rin's hands felt odd afterwards, they were warmer--it was unusual.

'guys i think i messed up real bad,' otoya spoke as he sat down at the table with tabito following him, he had a disappointed expression plastered all over his face.

'so i was going out with this chick biya right? and at the same time, i was texting this really cute girl named aya and turns out... both of them think i was dating them.' otoya explained.

silence and exasperated sighs soon followed.

'you're kidding right...?' rin (finally) broke the silence as he looked at his friend. he simply could not believe he was friends with such idiots.

'that ain't the worst part either, c'mon now 'toya, tell 'em the worst part,' tabito spoke with a smirk as he gave otoya's back a slap.

'biya... she... slapped me...' otoya spoke, his tone filled with shame.

everyone gathered around table bursted into laughter whereas otoya could only ever hide his face in the embarrassment it brought him. aryu and yukki even agreed that otoya deserved to be slapped by his girlfriends.

rin could only stare at otoya, bewildered at his bravery--not only were he a two-timer, he was also a cheater, in some aspect. it shocked him to such an extent: here he was, being nervous about even asking out his friend (who, currently didn't even have a boyfriend from what he believed) and then there was otoya, who was going out with two girls at the same time. it wasn't a flex but rin did admire him for that--for being able to express his love to someone without the fear of rejection.

rin's eyes glanced over to yn who was very mcuh absorbed into the conversation; he could not believe that he had allowed himself to fall in love with such a beautiful person. she really did look beautiful in his eyes.

as if on cue, the entire table's attentions were turned towards yn, they were now inquiring yn about her current situationship with oliver aiku but all yn did was deflect those claims by saying that she and oliver were merely in the talking stage.

upon hearing that, rin could sense some hope for his romantic life as it confirmed that yn wasn't involved with oliver aiku in a serious matter. maybe, just maybe he could ask her out.

[ 407 words ]

short chap mb i have a life

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