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— possession

at first, the team was forced to do warm-ups and laps across the stadium, pretty tedious in y/n's eyes. so, she decided to text some of her old friends but before doing so, she said a quick greeting to her father who was carefully monitoring the soccer team. her father, in turn, didn't say much and only gave her a small smile.

she opened up her phone and allowed the cacophonous sounds of teenage complaints dull into just meaningless background noise.

she opened up her phone and allowed the cacophonous sounds of teenage complaints dull into just meaningless background noise

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y/n quickly shut her phone off

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y/n quickly shut her phone off. she embarrassingly put it to the side as she didn't want to endure any of hyoma's scolding through texts.

her eyes turned to the pitch in-front of her, she noticed that the 10 players had formed into groups of 5, meaning that they would be having a friendly, practice match—the exact reason she came here.

she noticed that reo and nagi were in the same team, she gave them both a 'thumbs up' and diverted her attention to the remaining 8 players. on reo's team were also karasu, rin and nikko whereas the other players were on the opposite teams.

a whistle blew indicating the match had started.

she noticed all the players and the way they all harnessed their strengths for just a simple match.

reo was shockingly good at mimicking his opponents moves whereas nagi would always be near him to assist him. however the one that stood out the most to y/n was rin itoshi, his play style reminded her of a famous, young japanese player—sae itoshi.

the resemblance between the two was uncanny: the hair, the eyelashes even the physique of those two were similar—there was no way they weren't related.

during the match, she came to realise and conclude that rin was most likely his younger brother. yet even so, she couldn't help but notice many of the flaws in his play style.

by looking at rin, she could tell he was strong and an overall good player however, she still noticed how much he lacked and that was mainly due to how he'd try mimic sae itoshi.

it was a "first to three goals wins" match and surprisingly, rin's team won—y/n was sure that it would've been shidou's team not the other one.

'good work, rin, shidou,' she heard her father compliment the two players; shidou had a scowl across his face whereas rin only nodded.

y/n walked down to the place where the team members were, reo was the first to greet her: 'so! what do you think?'

'you guys didn't lie about being one of the best,' she responded and got a quick 'i told you so!' from the purple-haired man.

however, instead of getting acquainted with the other players, y/n's thoughts were plagued by a question she just had to ask the team's captain.

but she relented and proceeded to ask her new friend, instead. 'is that rin guy sae itoshi's brother?' she inquired.

it seemed we thought the entire place stopped, reo's face was filled with unease, as if to tell her that she'd messed up. an awkward, in comforting silence befell the room but before reo could break it and inform y/n of rin's familial life, rin informed her, instead.

'sae's an idiot; don't mention me and him in the same sentence,' he warned, his voice was aloof and cold, his stare on you was intense as if he was restraining himself from chocking you.

'so does that mean that you and him—' you presses further but you didn't even get to finish your question when rin cut you off, 'yes and don't ever mention it again.'

'y'know, for someone who claims to hate sae so much, you sure do mimic him a lot on the field,' when y/n said this, the entire team looked at her like she'd spoke the most heinous sentence ever.

reo in the background was making signs with his hands, telling her to stop yet it did nothing but make y/n want to get under his skin even more.

rin didn't say anything but she noticed how his figure tensed up and how his grip on his water bottle tighten—he really did despise his idol.

'i'm leaving and don't ever talk to me again,' rin spoke as he left the stadium. anger was pulsing though his entire body and he didn't know if he wanted to melt down and cry or punch the nearest wall or both.

after he left, the entire team's eyes landed on the teenager. no one spoke except for karasu who asked: 'what's wrong with you?' followed by eita who said: 'that was so cool, man.'

y/n didn't say anything except for 'i don't like him,' and she shrugged her arms.

shidou's smile grew wider—he enjoyed watching this scene unfold, 'me neither but you don't see me picking a fight with him,' he spoke, 'not most of the time, anyway. the last time i brought up his brother, he nearly strangled me.'

shidou's warning only made y/n want to bother him further—rather than being intimidated by the man, she was much more intrigued. she wanted to know exactly what his brother had done to him in order to make him act like this.

'deserved,' mumbled nagi when he heard shidou's recount but that didn't go unnoticed by the white haired man who marched up to nagi to confront him.

'if you don't want to die because of rin then don't mention rin's brother,' spoke karasu with a hint of amusement to his tone; it was clear that he, too, enjoyed watching rin get all frustrated over the mere uttering of his brother. 'yeah you're too hot to die,' added eita.

it was just here first day but y/n had somehow managed to get acquainted with her new school's soccer team and also find a mystery to solve. she wouldn't dare admit it but somehow, rin had piqued y/n's interest and she was dying to know more about him.


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