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'yn, dearest, can you please hand me a mirror so that i can see what you've done?' asked aryu, his voice getting shakier with each word.

he sat atop on a bed in a room that belonged to no one with yn behind him, who was carefully styling aryu's dark, silky locks.

'shh. i'm nearly done then you can see,' she simply said and it got the taller man in-front of her to stay quiet for a few restless seconds.

a knock on the door alerted both of them and they were greeted by the familiar man with purple hair. he gave them a small smile and an invitation: 'me and the rest of the guys are at the pool, wanna come?'

aryu was eager to leave but yn grounded him to stay put, 'we'll be there in a bit!' she spoke with a smile.

her response caused reo to leave them but not before turning back on least time with a grin on his face, 'nice hair, jyubei.'

the words did nothing but frighten aryu more.

after reo's departure and a few uneasy moments aryu spent with yn, she finally let the man go.

at last, she handed him a mirror and told him to admire himself and appreciate her handy work on his hair.

he actually kind of liked it—sure, it was childish to have his lavishly long hair tied into two pigtails but it looked cute moreover, he didn't have to worry about his hair getting into his eyes.

'so! what do you think?' she asked after a few moments with a smile.

'i love it.'

rin dislikes on two things: people and anything that isn't about soccer.

unfortunately for him, this "party" included both of them. he was situated outside of the mansion, in the pool area where all of his teammates were acting like children—his brother was now where to be found (which was a good thing though he still kind of missed his presence but he'd never admit that.)

he sat on one of the lounge chairs with his leather jacket still clinging on to his chest; he hadn't bothered to change his clothes or change into something appropriate for the occasion. if he could, he'd sleep in his jeans.

his eyes were glued to his phone's screen, he was reading a new article about the five nights at freddy's movie but occasionally, his eyes would wander to his friends and he'd only be met with disappointment due to their childish actions:

otoya was underwater (literally) with both zentetsu and karasu counting the time he remains underwater; nagi was slouched on one of the chairs, gaming and lastly, kenyu was observing the entire situation but his feet were dipped into the pool and he was shirtless.

he sighed at their foolish actions but he did take note on the absence of both yn and his brother—he wasn't grateful for either of it.

he was already aware that his brother had dragged off shidou to one of the rooms for activities he didn't dare think of but yn? she wasn't there at all. maybe she didn't come? he was too optimistic in this situation, there's no way that woman would skip out any opportunity to hang out with her friends and he was very aware of it.

(un)luckily for him, his guess was correct—yn did indeed come to reo's house but she was busy with aryu before she could join them at the pool.

yn walked rather quickly towards the house with aryu trailing behind with his hair styled in a rather odd way—no doubt it was the work of yn—he also had a pleased smile on his face.

yn looked rather beautiful in rin's eyes even though she wasn't dressed that well at all. she had her hair in her casual style—the one she wears everyday at school and her clothes weren't extravagant either, she was merely wearing baggy clothing that covered her entire body.

still, rin thought, he liked looking at her like that.

'ynn! place your bet on how long 'toya can survive underwater!' karasu shouted while motioning for her to come to the place where he sat: on the edge of the pool.

'uhh... 70 seconds?' she shrugged as she sat on one of the chairs behind karasu.

suddenly, rin felt weird. seeing her sit so leisurely with karasu and converse with him as well. why couldn't he have that, as well? what did karasu have that he didn't?

he wanted to talk to her, make her laugh, smile but he knew he'd be unable to do so. why couldn't he just...? what was he so scared of?

suddenly, a large splash made him escape his thoughts, he looked up and saw that yn was no longer sitting behind karasu but was rather in the pool with the two men laughing rather loudly. she looked amused and was playfully hitting otoya.
it seemed as though otoya had dragged her into the pool with him.

'—i hate you 'toya! i'm changing and once i get back, you'll regret it!' she exclaimed as she pushed herself out of the pool, having her arms cover her chest as an attempt to warm herself against the harsh winter cold.

this was his chance, rin thought, maybe he'd finally get a chance to talk to her and maybe, just maybe, communicate to her about their actions from the past week.

once she disappeared into the house, rin followed.

[ 923 words ]

barou or aiku, pick one FAST

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