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— the big lebowski

the walk to the bowling alley was something yn enjoyed a bit too much. she kept admiring the scenery in front of: the leaves of trees slowly leaving and falling to the ground; the chirp of the birds that inhabited them and the small sounds of human activity. it was so mundane and yn loved it.

as she entered the bowling alley, she realised her assumptions were correct as the entirety of the place was deserted except for a few other people that were busy with their own games to even bother interacting with her.

with her eyes set on the cashier, yn hurriedly made her way towards it, focused on trying to reserve the alley that was to the corner of the area. however as she marched towards the area, she didn't realise her own surroundings and ended up bumping into a large figure.

instantly, she began to apologise to him with the man in-front of her reassuring her that it was perfectly okay.

she didn't get a good look at him as she was very desperate to leave the embarrassing scene however, her attempts were futile as the man somehow recognised her.

'don't you go to the tokyo city college?' he asked.

baffled by the man's inquiry, she turned back to look at him with shock laced in her features, 'yeah i do! how'd you know?' she questioned, unsure of whether to continue her friendliness or leave him be.

in this instance, yn allowed herself to finally look at the giant of a man she had the (dis)pleasure of meeting: he was quite taller than yn, she assumed him to be of nagi's height; he looked rather unkempt with his dark brown hair and lime green highlights falling messily down onto his shoulders. what intrigued yn the most was his eyes: they were of two different colours, his left being a bright shade of green and the other was dark purple--yn's favourite colours. how peculiar.
furthermore, he was dressed in the most odd clothing--totally unfit for a game of bowling. she thought to herself that no sane man would ever wear a white button down and dress pants to a bowling alley. he was so, so peculiar.

'ah well, i'm friends with the soccer team from there--i've your pictures quite a lot on their socials,' he replied simply.

'oh are you? do you play the sport?' yn asked. unfortunately, her question got the man in-front of her to seem rather upset, his usual grin fell and his eyebrow was raised.

'd'you seriously not recognise me?' he asked with intrigued and curiousity as he stepped closer to yn.

'am i suppose to?' she asked, carefully observing the brown-green man, trying to decipher where she might've seen or met him but to no avail.

'i'm oliver aiku, i play for the u-20 team in japan,' he stated.

oh. that's why he was like this, yn thought. yn never really paid attention to the soccer teams in japan, specifically as they were such an embarrassment; she usually watched matches of other, better countries. eventually, she stopped keeping up with japan's teams--no wonder she didn't recognise him.

'that's cool; i'm yn ln, science student,' she extended her arm out for oliver to shake which he gladly accepted.

'say, you're not here with anyone, are you?' oliver asked to which yn shook her head as if to say "no". she knew where this was headed and honestly, she wouldn't mind if it did.

'alright! wanna play together? i'm here with no one too; might as well keep each other company,' he asked with a smile.

'sure, why not?' yn agreed. as soon as she replied, he immediately went ahead and payed for a bowling alley for the two of them.

the entire afternoon was spent with the both of them get acquainted with one another and bowling. oliver told her of his harsh training as the center-back for playing in the official japan team whereas yn would tell him of her anecdotes from the time she played the sport and of her college's team.

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