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— requiem for a dream
warnings: explicit mentions of smoking marijuana; nsfw, mentions of masturbation and otoya wanting to have sex with reader.

the practice on the following day bored y/n quite a lot. there were no friendly practice matches and no one paid her much attention except for karasu, who'd try to flex his muscles and his soccer skills for the girl every now and then but would get immediately stopped by kenyu.

nagi would sometimes plop down next to her, asking her if she's got any games on her phone since reo took his but he'd leave as fast as he came due to the purple player dragging him back to the pitch.

what y/n found the most peculiar was rin. the black-haired man hadn't paid her any attention ever since she came. well, he didn't do that yesterday either but ever since her argument with him, (and the twitter conversations) she expected him to say something to her or at least look at her but much to her dismay, he didn't. he was far too focused on scoring to care.

y/n was practically dying of boredom just 30 minutes into the match until her daydreaming state was ruined due to the loud entrance of eita.

eita looked worse than he did the previous day. his hair was messed up, his beanie was nowhere to be found, there was evident blush and sweat decorating his features—he also had a lopsided smile.

what surprised her the most however, was the familiar scent of marijuana that echoed throughout him—it was obvious to anyone who looked at him for more than 2 seconds to realise that he had been smoking.

she was the first to greet him, she rushed quickly towards him before anyone could question him.

she wrapped him into a hug—an action that was happily reciprocated by the taller man.

she leaned her face into the crook of his neck, her lips close to his ear and mumbled 'meet me in the parking lot after practice, kay?'

eita froze, he didn't say anything but slowly nodded at her after she pulled apart—the same smile plastered across his features yet his eyes told a different story, his eyes looked as if he'd accomplished something extraordinary.

the pair of teenagers—specifically y/n were unaware that a set of teal eyes had been staring at them since the man's arrival. rin didn't know why but ever since y/n hugged eita, he was desperate to punch something or someone.

but those thoughts left as soon as they came. once y/n pulled apart, he quickly removed his eyes from her figure and began to play as if nothing had happened however, he knew couldn't shake away those thoughts.

he looked at eita again, he was smiling—other than the effects of the drug, just what did y/n say to him that made him like that? he wondered but he knew he didn't have time to dwell on such mundane matters so instead of questioning or hypothesising, he took his attention back to the ball that placed near his shoes.

he'll just ask eita another time.

eita was joyous, to say the least. not only did the drug make him feel as if he's been walking in clouds but the realization that y/n—someone he'd pinning for (at least) a day now—had asked to meet him somewhere private yet happiness was short-lived since her father—the coach, finally noticed him and began to scold him for being so very late.

karasu took this opportunity to walk and sit down next to y/n on the benches and question her about what she could've possibly said to eita to make him look so joyous.

once he asked, y/n just shrugged—not even bothering to elaborate. he tried to pester her further but all his attempts were futile. he didn't lost hope though but was forced to give up once he heard his coach calling for him.

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