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it took her a while to find rin: he had been sitting on the secluded sides of the college with a book in hand and no food to be found anywhere. she sighed believing that he most likely didn't have anything to eat--it wasn't that he didn't have any food, it was just that he didn't like eating; she knew him long enough to know that he considered food as merely a fuel.

scanning her surrondings, she found a lone vending machine near to where he sat--an idea cept it's way into her head; slowly, her hand found it's way into her pants' pocket and pulled out a few coins. making her way towards it, she inserted the coins into the machine and got herself--no, him, a manga juice box.

walking over to him, she sat down beside him and quietly pushed the juice box towards him. he didn't look up from his book yet he asked: 'what's this?'

she smiled, 'it's for you.'

'i don't need it,' he simply said as he used his free hand to push the box back to her.

'take it,' she insisted.

'no thanks,' he replied simply.

grumpily, she took the box and loudly inserted the straw into it. she turned to him yet again, 'so... you okay?' she asked, sipping a bit of the juice.

'why wouldn't i be?' he replied.

she stayed quiet momentarily, 'dunno... but maybe the way you ran out when everyone brought up oli?'

stunned, he looked at her, 'you noticed?'

'i mean... a 190cm soccer player rushing out of a cafeteria during lunch is pretty hard to miss,' she confirmed his query, sarcastically.

'oh...' he sulked.

'so!' she attempted to pry, 'what is it with you and oli?'

he straightened up and felt a muscle twitch however she didn't notice for which he was grateful for, 'my brother...' he began--his brother, the perfect excuse for why would he ever confess to the harboured feelings of jealousy and hatred he had for the u-20 captain?

he understood, though, why oliver aiku would chose her and why she would choose aiku over him, too. the realisation hurt but he had to face the truth. after all, he was rin itoshi--the man who would pick his goals over anything else.

'your brother?' she laughed, a melody that rin would never get tired of hearing. 'tell me you're joking,' she continued.

'why would i...?' his breath hitched.

'what does your brother have against him? is it because oli's hair is better than his?' she joked.


'no listen...'

'they both have terrible hair, actually,' he spoke; this was so uncharacteristic of him, to slander his brother but here he was. a few months ago, he would've scolded her for this but here he was, joking alongside her.

slowly, a small smile crept up onto his usual stoic features--a smile that didn't go unnoticed by her.

'are my eyes decieving me or is rin itoshi smiling?' she spoke.

her statement caused him to his cheeks to be painted in a light shade of crimson, he wished he wasn't so pale but unfortunately, she was sharp enough to notice.

'-and is he blushing now?' she smirked.

'oh shut up,' he replied grumpily.

she opened her mouth to say something back at him but the cacophonous sound of bell ringing interrupted and her smile was replaced with a pout: 'awh! i'll see you later,' she said as she began to place her backpack around her, 'bye bye rinny!'

rin also began to pack up, firstly by placing his book in his bag and also mindlessly picking up the juice box that was left on the bench.

he followed after her as he took a sip of the juice, 'don't call me "rinny".'

she smiled as she looked back at him, 'kay but you know... we totally shared an indirect kiss here!'

[ 617 words ]

small silly chap 4 today -- also !!! karaeiken debut today; how r we feeling guys

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