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the following morning

he didn't see her at school the following morning.

at first, he shrugged it off as her tardiness and didn't think too much about it but then, at lunch, she wasn't there at all.

usually, she'd be coming in with her hands interlaced with either eita or karasu—an action that always made rin's hands tense up a bit—loudly introduce herself and envelope the entire team into foolish conversations that he had no intent of partaking in.

but today, she wasn't there at all. her side of the table was empty and both eita and karasu were not accompanied by her.

he tried to shrug it off as her hanging out with her other friends but did she have any friends besides the team?

he tried to shrug off his thought sos he could focus on his classes better. he succeeded to a point but eventually his thoughts would always come back to her.

it got even worse when he arrived at the gym and didn't see her there on the benches. she was absent, he realised at last.

the realisation didn't help him.

soon, his thoughts drifted off to the reason of her absence—was it their conversation from the previous day? had he said something to upset her? was she avoiding him again?

all those questions traversed across his mind, torturing him, distracting him from the thing that truly mattered—his soccer career.

why was he letting someone like her distract him?

it enraged him to believe that someone had actually done the unthinkable of making him lose focus from his soccer career.

yet even so, thoughts of her safety intruded his mind.

eventually, he let them get the best of him and he decided to question eita and karasu of her whereabouts. he believed that maybe knowing the answer would cause him to dwelling on the questions.

after their practice ended, he marched towards eita, who was sitting on one of the bleachers, drinking water.

'hey man, what's wrong?' he asked, in-between breaths.

'where's yn?' he simply asked, glaring at the man in front of him.

'dunno, guess she's absent from the looks of it,' he shrugged as he took another sip of his water.

'do you know why?'

'why would i, man? she didn't tell me anything. why're you worried anyways? didn't you hate her or something.'

rin felt like choking him but he didn't since he took a few breaths before continuing his investigation.

'you really don't know?' he asked and eita nodded his head, 'you could ask yukki, he'd know, i bet.'

he listened attentively to eita's suggestion and proceeded to question kenyu, instead.

he found him on the other side of the gym, he was busy wiping his glasses when he turned to look at him with a cheerful smile.

'yn's absence, i assume?' he asked with a grin; rin remained quiet.

'she said she want feeling good after the party so she decided to rest up today,' he simply stated.

rin nodded. finally, he got some answers but all that left him were more questions—was she ill? is she okay?

finally, he decided that once he'd reach home, he'd text of her condition. a simple solution to all his prior worries. how foolish of him to dwell over that mediocre situation when the answer was in front of him!

he thanked kenyu and prepared for his departure from the school's gymnasium. anticipating the moment he'd finally text her, privately, to ask of her situation-ship.

after convincing her parents and friends that she was really tired, yn had an entire day of laziness to look forward to.

she had told her parents that she were really tired from her previous night's activities and would prefer to take a day off from college; hesitantly, they agreed.

now, here she was, laying in her bed with absolutely nothing to do.

she checked the time and realised it was already half last noon and neither of her parents were at home so now, she even had an entire house to herself—things were in her favour today!

slowly, she got herself prepared for the day and made herself some breakfast.

then, she wanted to kill time and what better way would it be than to spend it at the local bowling alley on a monday afternoon?

it was perfect. she would have an entire area to herself to play with no other outsiders to intrude—her leisure time would be spent and it would be spent well. she couldn't wait.

hurriedly, she dressed herself in appropriate clothing and quickly left for the bowling alley so that there wouldn't be much public by the time she arrived.

she was tremendously excited for what the day would bring.

[ 796 words ]

20 chapters later, he still thinks of her as a distraction! i love writing for rin <3

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