Chapter Eight: The Surgery

Start from the beginning

Null nodded, pulling the sheet as close as possible, burying his nose into the light fabric, "Thank you, Sala."

Sala Te gave a gentle sound in return, "So, AZ-83... What can I do for you?"

AZ-83 looked down at last night's hard work in his hands. He wanted to keep this a secret from Null until he applied his visor. He used his robotic index finger and motioned for Sala to come closer so he could respond.

A flash of lightning shone behind Sala, lighting up the room and casting her long shadow across the room. She blinked and knelt on the floor, causing her garments to drape onto the ground gracefully. She craned her long neck downward and tilted her head to listen to what classified information her visitor had to tell.

AZ-83 looked over his shoulder at Null, who was sitting on the ground with the sheet wrapped tight around him. He appeared to be distracted by trying to keep warm as he buried his face into the thin fabric. Now was the perfect time to pitch the request for an impromptu operation since Null paid no mind to his surroundings.

"Sala Te?" AZI-83 whispered, "I have created a device to grant Null sight from the knowledge of the data you fetched. Between you and me, we can do a speedy brain operation to implant the chip- the goal is to get him with his squad before class."

Sala looked down pensively, "Hmmm- that requires authorization from the client- what you are requesting is impossible to achieve unless we go against orders- do you really want to break the standards here? It's a very steep trend from you typically staying by the letter."

AZ-83 looked back again at his friend, "For Null, I'd be willing to risk that- and going as far to letting Subtle use me as target practice... Well- maybe not target practice- more like an analyzer of his gadgets and weapons he creates."

Sala laughed, "Very well, you know the drill. I'll prepare the machine while you get Null and prepare the anesthesia." She stood back to height and began preparing the surgery machine for the procedure. She walked over to a panel, activating the surgery machine.

As Sala tapped on its buttons and sent commands of the circumstances for which the operation will take place, the machine's tunnel awoke with a bright flash of light. It whirred and chirped as it received the commands broadcasted. Now, all it was waiting for was the starting command to begin.

AZ-83 set the chip on the panel beside Sala's hand, "I hope this works."

Sala took the chip to be sterilized before placement, "Me too..." She sat back down at her desk, applying different sprays to eliminate potential pathogens on the chip she would soon implant into Null.

AZ-83 glided over to Null, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

Null flinched slightly at the contact, tilting his ear in the direction where he was touched.

"Null, take my hand, we are going to do something very special for you today," AZ-83 spoke.

Null shuddered at a random chill that zipped down his back, starting at his shoulder blades, "I was hoping that becoming a human icicle wasn't it." He chuckled, slowly standing up, "What were you and Sala whispering about? What was that machine I heard? Why are we here?" Null had so many questions, but those were at the top of his mind, and he wanted to know the answers.

The droid carefully guided his companion to the machine to lay down, and he removed the sheet from Null's shoulders and laid it on his stomach, "You will find out soon, I assure you." AZ-83 glided over to a shelf where the anesthetics were kept. He knew exactly what amount was needed to put a child of Null's stature, age, and weight under, just at a mere glance, all because of his impeccable programming. He selected a smaller vial and swirled the liquid around in examination. He gave a soft nod, "Perfect." AZ-83 glided over to the machine, slipping the vial into a port to receive the anesthetic.

Null sensed the suspense in the air. He began to whimper, "83? I'm scared- what's going to happen?"

Sala observed that Null was starting to tremble, not from the room temperature but from fear. She knelt by his side, taking his smaller hand in her large one, "This is a little scary, Null, I understand. We have to operate on you- before you get your gift. It's imperative that we do this surgery."

He squeezed her hand tightly, "Will it hurt?" He asked, his voice tremoring, "I've never had a surgery done before."

"It won't. You'll have a mask go over your nose and mouth. There will be a funny smell entering it; I ask that you take a deep breath. When the surgery is over, you won't recall a thing that happened."

AZ-83 finished his end of the preparation, "Madam Sala Te is right. More patients make a bigger fuss than there needs to be." He held Null's other hand, "Take your brother, Patches for example. One time, he had his leg broken after getting into a tough fight with Talon. That cadet had to be put under before he even laid on that table because he becomes dangerous when threatened. He bashed one of the droids that were preparing his operation beyond all repair."

Null was choking back laughter, "Sounds like Patches alright! I hear Circuit saying that he thinks more with his fists than his brain."

"That he does- that heartless droid killer."

"That's enough, AZ-83. Time for the operation. We're on a schedule..." Sala reminded him with a gentle but stern glance.

"Right." AZ-83 groaned, "Carry on. Let's do this."

Null started to get anxious again, "83? Could you hold my hand while I go under?"

"Go on, AZI-83. Support your friend while I begin the process." Sala told him, "I have this all under control." She reassured, releasing her hand from Null's and walking over to the control panel to begin the operation.

AZ-83 nodded, "Alright... I will- But don't squeeze too tight... I'll have my hand damaged and it's such a headache to get it repaired."

Null could feel himself slowly slide back into the chamber. He kept his hand clasped with his droid's, "You are such a fussy droid, 83. You get so fussy about everything."

"I have a reason to fuss. There's no reason to get my parts fixed if they don't get damaged in the first place- and even when they do get damaged, I hate having someone fix me- I don't know how clean they are or how sterile the environment is! I prefer a droid doing my repairs... Not only are they more accurate, but they also seem to understand my existential dread..." AZI-83 sighed.

Null began to laugh, "You know what? You sound just like Patches. You hate having to go through simple 'droid surgery.'" He could feel the mask go over his nose. He knew he had to breathe in, as Sala said, soon.

Sala Te smiled at Null's quick wit to respond.

"You have a lot of nerve to compare me to that droid-scrapper."

Null could smell the anesthetics. Although they smelled strange, and he didn't like the scent, Null inhaled anyway but wasn't going out without a final statement to his companion. All he could respond was, "See? Whiney...."

The sounds of the machine, the hiss of the anesthetics entering his mask, and the torrential downpour outside all faded until Null remembered no more.

The sounds of the machine, the hiss of the anesthetics entering his mask, and the torrential downpour outside all faded until Null remembered no more

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