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I stayed up all night last night and all day today. It's currently 10:10 p.m., I'm so tired lmao😭😂 but here's your food children eat well. 🍝

Going through the rest of the classes were as borning as usual until I reached lunch.

"Baby! Come here they have salad today," my girlfriend, Alyssa said to me. I walked over to her at the salad bar, where she frowned at my choice of food. "Y/n, really? You know you're on a diet," she said, moving the chicken to a different space on my tray and placing the salad Infront of me. "Yeah I know, but today's my free day and -" "Babe, we all know everyday your free day. At least eat the salad today. We're the hottest kids in the school we gotta keep in good shape," she said with a giggle, pecking me on the cheek before going to our table.

I sighed, about to follow her before hearing a loud bang. I diverted my attention to the left where I saw a...platinum blonde a green hoodie and black ripped jeans, standing before Chen, his tray on the floor. "Watch where you're going, freak!" Chen hissed at him. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to-" Lloyds apology was cut off by Chen grabbing him by his hoodie. "I think you need to learn a lesson Garmodon, obviously you've forgotten where you belong," Chen said, raising his fist. Lloyd just stood there as if he was just waiting. I let out a hiss of my own when I hurt my hand from how tightly I was gripping the tray. I put the tray down to the side on the salad bar and started walking over, taking long, powerful strides. "Chen!" I called out. He froze and stared to back up, stuttering out a reasonable reslonds for what he was doing- or in this case, was going to do and I just glared at him the entire time he spoke. "So you tripped him 'on accident,' and he fell and his tray just hit the floor?" Knowing that entire explanation was shit.

"Yeah man, you know.." I cocked a brow and took a step forward. "So why did you try to punch him," I asked monotoned. "I urmm- uhh- t-that's just how Garmodon and I are," he said nervously and when he got I didn't believe him, he started to panic because he grabbed Lloyd under his arm. "Right buddy?" Lloyd seemed equally uncomfortable as I felt. Something about Chen holding Lloyd that close didn't sit well with me. "Urmm," Lloyd moved his arm. "No. Not at all. Y/n," he said, looking up at me. I smiled and walked the last few steps towards him and ruffled his hair. "What really happened Lloyd?"

"I was walking to sit down when he tripped me, I stumbled but didn't fall and he got mad because of it so he come up to me and knocked my try outta my hands. Then he tried to punch me and now we're here."

I glared at Chen who was sweating bullets. "Leave Chen. Now." "Y/n y-you can't seriously believe him!" "And why not?!" I snapoed at him, causing even Lloyd to be shocked. "What the fuck is wrong with him?! Give me a reason, one good reason- not just because he's Garmodon."

Chen was quiet for a bit before he muttered something under his breath. "Speak up," I ordered. "Because he's the dark lords son!" The brown haired male snapped. "He's a loser! And an abomination and a freak, of nature-" I felt my blood boil. Suddenly, there was a stinging on the palm of my hand and a loud SLAP! Rang through the cafeteria.

"Watch your mouth Chen, Lloyd is just as normal- if not better, then you've ever been. You have no right to treat him like he isn't worth more the trash under your foot and I'm damn tired of it! Not just Lloyd but everyone you don't like. You need to get your shit together before I rock your shit," I seethed in anger, jabbing my finger into his chest a d pushing him on occasions.

Suddenly, a teacher broke us up and started asking what was going on. But I just ignored him, grabbed Lloyd's wrist and started heading out of the cafeteria.

"Y/n," Lloyd called after a short period of time of us walking the empty halls. "Yeah," I asked, opening the door for him to the outside lunch area usually for teachers but there weren't any today; lucky us. "I umm..." I heard shuffling and after a few more moments of silence, turned over to Lloyd with a smile as Lloyd sat down at one of the blue tables. (I was looking for a vending machine so I stayed standing.) "Thank you. I umm...I mean it. No one's ever done that before.." the blonde boy whispered, looking down at his black and white converse. My smile softened and slowly turned into a frown. I walked over to him and ruffled his hair before giving him a hug. "They should have. It shouldn't even be happening in the first place! I just want you to know that as long as I'm around you, it won't happen again," I spoke boldly, Lloyd's eyes meeting mine as I sort of caged him. Both arms were next to his thighs and I was leaning against the table but there was still less than a foot of space between our heads.

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now