Now I Know

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Before this chapter begins, so y'all don't get confused, this is the chapter where Lloyd realized he liked Y/n....bc my dumbass forgot to write that earlier.



As I was laying in bed texting Y/n about our science project, I almost stopped breathing for a second when I felt a flutter in my chest as my heart skipped a beat, when he sent a heart emoji. What was that about, I wondered to myself. I eventually figured it must've been nerves from finally having a friend - and a close one at that. I replied with a smiley face and a heart of my own before telling the h/c boy goodnight.

Turning off my phone, I plugged it into the charger and laid in my queen sized bed staring at my ceiling that had glow-in-the-dark stars on it. Smiling slightly at the text, I grabbed my teddy bear my mom had got me when I was a baby and for the first time in awhile, went to bed with a smile on my face.

Back at school, and I already have so much homework. Opening my locker, I sighed quietly as notes- that most likely contained distasteful, nasty things in them, fell to my feet. Ignoring the small pile at my shoes, I put my books away as my next class didn't allow bags in the class- which is stupid- I put my books where they always went and then I bent down to pick up the letters scattered on the ground. "Hey," a familiar voice said beside me. Looking up, I saw Y/n smiling down at me with that bright grin of his, and for a second, I found myself getting lost in his e/c irises. He's so pretty. Blinking, and simultaneously snapping myself out of a rather odd trance, I smiled back at him. "Hey," I replied as I licked my lips. After collecting the rest of the papers, I stood up and was now eye to eye with the taller male. "What's all that," he quirked a brow at the folded papers in my hands. I shrugged- a nervous habit. "People don't like me, and they put trash in my locker sometimes. It's probably ruined homework or stupid notes with dumb doodles on them." The lie flowed effortlessly through my lips before I could even think about stopping it. Y/n quirked a brow, implying he didn't fully believe me. I gave a half-hearted smile before throwing the rubbish in the trash. "Ready to go," I asked. "Yeah," he smiled. I'll tell him another time - Y/n wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closely to his side. I felt my face flush and my heart once again skip a beat. I knew what that feeling was- but I refused to believe it! It was because we were in a crowd, or- or because I'm not used to being touched by friends, it might just be slightly weird for me the first time! had to be that. It had, to be.


I was working on an art project when my phone lit up and vibrated. It was in incoming call from....Y/n.


"Hey Lloyd, watcha doing?"

"Uhh, just finishing up an art project, why?"

"No reason, I'm bored and I miss you-"

My heart jumped.

"And I was wondering if you'd like to hang out in thirty minutes or so?"

I felt my face hest up - even though I knew it wasn't, it sounded a lot like a date.

"Oh- oh, uhh, sure! Thirty minutes is good, where do you wanna meet?"

"Meet? I plan on picking you up- if you're okay with that!" He hurried to add.

My heart skipped another best and my face reddened. Fuck, I thought to myself.

"Yeah that's good, see you soon, byee!"

I didn't wait for his response as I ended the call, I almost slammed my phone down as I face palmed, running a hand through my hair.

It doesn't matter how much I try to deny it, I know what these signs mean...damnit....

I bit my lip. I like Y/n.. oh fucking hell!

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now