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I, once again, woke up to the sound of Spotify blasting on my phone. Only this time, I quickly got out of bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth and hsur before heading out to my bus stop, looking around the house for my mom and dad, sighing once I realized they weren't here.

I ran out of the door and sprinted to my bus stop. I sat on the green park bench, playing games on my phone and drawing with the small stick that came with it.

I was drawing a model of different ideas on our solar system that Lloyd and I could make. While our main focus was on our planet, Saturn, we all had to do things about the solar system. Suddenly, I heard my bus and begrudgingly stopped drawing. I got on the bus and quickly look around for Lloyd before I saw him in the back same seat as before. I was one of the first stops in the morning so it made since we had the back to ourselves. No one wanted to sit around Lloyd Garmodon.

I plopped down into the seat beside him with a lopsided smile. "Hey man, how's it going," I asked him. He smiled slightly and nodded. "It's been going good, you?" I shrugged. "Boring as usual, glad this is Junior year," I smirked. "Yeah, only one more year and I'm free from this hellhole," Lloyd smiled. I chuckled. "Got that right. Oh, right!" I said suddenly, pulling out my phone. "I've drawn a few models that we could do once we have a few more facts and figure out what to use as our building materials," I said, pulling up my drawing app and showing him. He took my phone, ever so gently into his hands, as if asking permission to hold it. He scrolled through a few designs before smiling at one in particular.

"I personally like this one the best," he said, pointing at one that had a black base with thin, small lines of metal poking out and curving in different directions with the planets and moon spread out differently. I smiled. "So, we do this one then," I smiled, taking my phone back.

All of a sudden, we were at school.

I got off the bus, waving to Chen and the other guys as Lloyd and I walked in through the building.

My girlfriend was standing by my locker and my smile lit up her eyes. She ran over to me with a huge grin and hugged me, kissing my cheek. I tensed up and lightly pushed her off of me. She looked up at me with disappoinment and sighed, yet still smiled back up at me nonetheless. "Umm, I should get to class, see you there Y/n," Lloyd said, nervously clearing his throat and walking away to first class. "Was that Lloyd Garmodon?" Cadence whispered in shock. I nodded. "Yeah, that's him, why?" I asked. She shook her head. "He's a freak babe, be careful." "He's not a freak. You need to quit saying mean shit like that to everyone you don't like Cadence," I huffed in annoyance, rolling my eyes and walking away, hot on Lloyd's trail. "You know it's true!" She yelled after me. I turned around and flipped her off.

I smiled once I saw Lloyd at our table. I walked over to him and smiled. "Sorry bout that, she's annoying, like 24/7?" I chuckled. Lloyd laughed. "I mean, I can't really say anything," he giggled, but I could tell he agreed with me. I grinned. Great, this was progress. "So, what do you want to do the solar system out of?" He though for a bit. "How about Clay and styrofoam?" I nodded, writing it down. "Sounds good "

"Alright guys, get quiet." The teacher said suddenly. Lloyd and I started paying attention to the teacher as she talked. "Today, we're all going to the planetarium as I said yesterday. We will be there all day so please grab all of your things and sit with your partner on the bus, follow me," she said, and we all listened. Lloyd hung onto me for dear life, which I didn't mind considering it will help build trust between friends. Something Lloyd and I will definitely need.

"Come on Blondy, let's go," I chuckled, grabbing his hand and pulling him along the bus isle. "Blondy?" He cocked a brow. I smiled. "What else am I supposed to call you that no one else does, you may have white hair but still, it's close enough," I laughed, letting him sit next to the window since he really liked looking outside. "How long do you think the ride will be, Y/n," Lloyd asked. I thought for a minute. "Teach said it would take all day, so, probably an hour or a few?" He nodded.

Lloyd and I chatted for a bit once we got moving, until Lloyd got tired and was practically fighting to stay awake.  "You can go to sleep, Lloyd. I'll wake you up when we're there," I smiled, resting my hand on his shoulder. "That's not what I'm worried about," he yawned. I looked around, understanding what he meant. I smiled at him again. "Don't worry about it, I'll protect you, promise," I said, putting my pinky out. He rolled his eyes with a smile but locked his pinky with mine nonetheless. "Promise," he yawned again, leaning against the window and quickly falling asleep. I smiled, playing in my phone if looking out the window for a bit, before I got distracted and looked out another window, when I felt a weight against my shoulder.  I smiled slightly, glancing over at Lloyd's sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful...and that's when I realized that it's the first time I've seen him look actually, at peace.

I smiled and leaned my head against his. No one would hurt him with me here, and it definitely wouldn't hurt to take a nap..that's when I fell asleep leaning against Lloyd as he leaned against me.


I was woken up by a furious shaking of the bus. I woke with a starts, fearing it was one of Garmodons' attacks. But nope. Panic quickly subsides in me as I realized we were just on a gravel road and had but a lot hole. Some of the students were wondering why we were in the middle of nowhere, while I decided to go back to sleep. Lloyd was still knocked out against my shoulder, and in this time, I realized I had taken it up on myself to insure Lloyd had stayed asleep by crawling his body in my arms. I awkwardly flushed. This was kinda embarrassing. Please don't wake up please don't wake up, please, do not, wake up!! I thought in a panic as I hurriedly but carefully moved Lloyd so he was back on my shoulder. Okay, that wasn't do bad, I thought with a sigh. Then I fell back asleep, against Lloyd's white hair, that somehow managed to capture the smell of marshmallows and bonfire perfectly.

When I woke up again, we were finally arriving at the Planetarium. I groaned, stretching, but stopped immediately when I felt a weight on my chest. I looked down and smiled at Lloyd who was about to fall on me. I chuckled moving him against the window, knowing since Lloyd was a very shy boy, he would be very embarrassed if I woke him up and he was sleeping on my chest.

"Lloyd, Lloyd we're here," I said gently shaking him. He stired slightly and jumped up when it seemed like he remembered where we were. "We're here?!" He asked excitedly. I laughed. "About to pull up, Llo-LLOYD! There is a window right there, you don't need to climb over the seats," I started laughing my ass off as he flushed and came back down from trying to climb over a few empty bus seats to get to a window. "I-i knew that," he stuttered, quickly gluing himself to the window. "You must really like space, huh?" He nodded sheepishly. "Mostly because of a comic I read. Starfearer." My mouth fell open. "YOU READ STARFEARER TOO?!" Lloyd's eyes lit up. "Yeah, ever since I was a kid, you?" I nodded rapidly, pulling the latest issue out of a special folder in my bag. "Ever since I was seven." I smiled. He squealed and quickly flipped through the comic. "I think I might have an older version of this, the story line is very similar to another volume I have."

Lloyd and I spent some time geeking out over the comics, even after we got off the bus. "I heard they're coming out with a limited edition print in the comic store here soon." I squeaked. I'll admit it. I squeaked. Lloyd started laughing at me and I flushed. "Shut up man, at least I don't snort," I rolled my eyes, but continued to practically bounce in place as we waited in line.

Finally, we make it inside the building, and that's when I gasp.

Not alot surprises me. But this does.

"WHOAAAAA" Lloyd and I say in sync.


Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying so far, this is my first time writing a slow burn romance story, so I hope I'm doing well😅

I'd love to hear what y'all have to say, and what you'd like to see.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes, and I love each and every one of y'all.

If you don't think anyone loves you, just remember I do!!

Love y'all,

Bye Little Reapers 🖤

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