The Realization/Movie Night

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Prompt: Tommorrow is a mystery, Yesterday is the past, but we have today, and that's why it's called the present.


"Hey Lloyd," I asked in the middle of one of our studying session. Lloyd looked up with a hum.

We had recently taken to studying together when we weren't working on our science project (which wasn't very often seeing as Lloyd and I still had A LOT of work to do,) because he stayed a bit to late one night when he realized he had an assignment due in an hour. I asked if he needed help, one thing lead to another, and now we're here.

"I was just wondering if you...would maybe like to stay the night? If no that's okay, I was.just wondering because it would be fun to have a sleepover and because of the weather-" Lloyd giggled and I immediately felt my heart skip a beat. "I'd love that but..I don't have any clothes," he said with a nervous smile. "You can wear mine!" I hurried to say. "It'll save us a trip through the snow." Lloyd nodded. "Then sure!"

I mentally fist pumped into the air.

"Sweet, I have stacks upon stacks of snacks because... I'm a kid who has to do his own shopping," I laughed at my own joke. "Can I ask a bit of a personal question," Lloyd asked after a bit of silence. I put everything down and looked at him with a soft smile.

I usually didn't like people asking questions about me, but if it's Lloyd, I'd make an acception.

"Of course you can," I said softly.  "Do your parents...not live with you or..." He dragged, seemingly unsure if he should finish the question. "My dad lives with me, but my mom is with my o/y sibling in c/n. My dad's a CEO so he travels alot. This week he's in Italy and then he'll come home this weekend and stay until he gets another call." I explained. Lloyd 'ohhh'ed and I just laughed, and before I knew it, we were watching movies, making snacks, and joking.

"Hey Lloyd, after Black Adam finishes, what do you want to watch," I asked the blonde male who was leaning against my shoulder. When I got no responds I looked down. "Lloyd-"

Wow, I thought to myself.

Sure, I had seen Lloyd asleep multiple times, but seeing him asleep leaning on my shoulder in my hoodie, under my blankets, hit different in more ways then I'd like to admit...whatever I mean by that.

My heart fluttered at first, but when he slowly shifted to where his arms rapped around my waist, my heart was thundering in my chest and I didn't know what to do except do.not.fucking.move.

I stared at Lloyd some more, before a soft flush spread across my cheeks as I looked. He was absolutely breathtaking. How does he look so damn pretty all the time? I'd probably never know, but...

My eyes trailed down to his lips.

Soft looking, plum,..a light natural red. Gods, he was so fucking pretty.

I slowly started leaning down, my eyes fluttering shut, and before I knew it, I was within a centimeter of his lips, before I softly jerked myself back in order to snap myself out of it but not wake up Lloyd up.

What the hell was I thinking?! What the fuck was I gonna do?!

I put a hand to my chest only to find it nearly ready to beat out. I felt my face heat up and a shiver run down my spine.

I was about to kiss Lloyd.


I turned back to look at Lloyd, still fast asleep.

I won't lie, I'm sad I didn't. But also glad. That would be like, taking advantage of someone without them knowing. And I would never do that.

I looked back at Lloyd and the flutter in my heart came back, causing my eyes to go wide.

Of fuck.

Did I like Lloyd?


I sat there, alternating between looking at the TV, to looking at Lloyd. Everytime I saw him curled up on my chest from how we were now positioned after my previous bathroom break, it was hard to not kiss him on that spot. Which, I dressed thinking about.but I couldn't help it! Maybe..maybe I'm just confused because I finally have a friend.

Either way...

I looked down at Lloyd and was no longer able to resist the urge. I slowly moved my left arm from the top of the black leather sofa to the back of Lloyd's back. I brought the other from nearly touching the floor and resting that below my other arm. I hugged Lloyd close and a bit tight, smelling his hair that smelled like s'mores.

......Would it be that bad if I did like him?...

I flushed at the thought and looked away from Lloyd in embarrassment. I sighed softly, turning the TV off and hugging Lloyd again.

I have some things to sort out if I do like him...but for now... I'm just glad he's here. I.. I'm glad he's my friend.

This is tiring, I thought with a yawn. I'll think about this tomorrow..

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now