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Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, was the only thought running through my head as I paced back and forth. Okay, so, here's what I know:

1. There are some very weird parts of my last that I've tried and (until recently) have been successful in forgetting.

And 2. Master Wu, leader, sensei, teacher of the NINJA wants me to join the ninjas as the ninja of darkness because he somehow figured out my past.

3. Lloyd's gonna be here in twenty minutes.

Just when I thought my life couldn't get anymore complicated. I groaned in frustration.

I needed to find out how master Wu knows me- or how he found me at the very least.

I paused, recalling another memory I buried deep within my mind.

"Daddy I'm scared," I cried, running out into the livingroom, the fireplace blazing as the sparks flew to meet the wind. Dad turned around and leaned down, scooping me up into his arms. "What's wrong kid," daddy asked softly, his deep and rough voice sending a protected feeling through me. "I made the shadows move again.." I whispered, hot tears pooling down my face. "Oh baby..." Dad sighed and I let out a strangled hiccup, my heart beating out of my chest. "Y/n..the power you have, it's hard to explain, especially to a six year old.." daddy sighed, sitting down in the black leather recliner by the window. "I know it's scary...I would be scared too...but Y/n, the power you have is truly a gift. A very powerful one. If used with the right intent, you could save the world or help people in it everyday." I sniffed, shifting in dad's lap so that my arms were rapped around his neck as he held me. "I'm going to tell you a story Y/n...a story of darkness," he lightly pulled me back so that I was looking him in the eyes. His ice cold blue eyes sparkling like a snowflake getting the glint of the sunrise. The fires bright amber color like burning coles in the core of his pupils. "And a story of light." I nodded, interested. "You cannot have light without darkness. And darkness...always leads to beautiful light."

I didn't realize I was crying until a tear hit the back of my hand. I sniffed and cleared my throat, wiping my burning tears and getting up to blow my nose. I let out a slight hiccup. I didn't realize how much I missed my dad until that memory surfaced.

I've always been independent...but with my dad... it's different.

Sometimes, I think I'm just pretending to be independent. Sometimes I think it's stupid hat I don't like being touched. I hate it so much. It grosses me out. When I do, want to be touched, which, is almost never but it happens, I don't get what I want. Then the disgusting feeling of the thought of feeling comes back and I question why I wanted it in the first place.

But with dad...dad is someone I can rely on. I know I'm supposed to rely on him anyways, but... it's just different when I've always thought that I was always gonna be by myself.

Then Lloyd showed up.

At the thought of Lloyd, my heart started speeding up. I don't know why it took me so long to realize I like him.

I wish my dad was here.

"God damn, I need to get my thoughts together," I laughed out loud to myself.

I took a long look at myself in the mirror and started hyping myself up. Now that I know I like Lloyd, I feel like I have to like, mentally prepare myself for whenever I see him. He's probably never going to like me back, but...I like him.. and I'm DONE not making that big of an effort. I'm gonna drop hints, I'm gonna start getting closer to him, I'm going to start actually trusting him, and...

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong!....

The long, deep, ominous doorbell rang through the house.

And I'm going to fucking die.

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now