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Lloyd's POV

I was dazed when I walked into my apartment. I lightly placed a hand on my waist where I could still feel Y/n's lingering touch. I shivered slightly.

I don't know why but...I really liked the feeling of having him touch me. If it had been anyone else, I would have had a panic attack.

But it's Y/n and he's

He's special.


I laid staring at my wall, thinking about Lloyd when I heard my phone ding. I shot up, almost hitting my head on my bunked bed.

Sassy Golden Retriever

Hey, you busy?

Not rn. What's up?

The sky.

Lmao, okay fr

Lol jk. I'm bored. Wyd?

Talking to you. Wbu?

Talking to you.

So, only a week until our first month on the peoject is up. We haven't even gotten a fifth of our work done yet, lol.

Lmao, I mean, we did say we were gonna get to know each other before seriously stsrting on our work. Besides, she gave us three months at max. THREE!! Isn't it like, illegal to be given that much time on a project?

I don't think so? Besides, it's not like the project is the only thing we're doing. We've been doing worksheets in our spear time and stuff like that.

True, and ig it's kinda a good thing we have so much time on our hands.  We still have A LOT to do.

Fr lol. Anyways, I um...I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my place this weekend..? To work on the project! And..maybe watch a movie or smth?

I think for a short amount of time, I stopped breathing. He..he wanted me to come over? In his apartment? The apartment he never let's me see? Omg omg omg omg omg!!!! What do I say?! What do I do?! Do something Y/n!! I urged myself. Suddenly, Lloyd was typing again.

Sassy Golden Retriever

If not that's okay too! No big deal or anything.

Oh. No. No. No. I was not letting this opportunity go to waste.

Shit sorry, I got distracted. I'd love to come over!! Change of heart or smth? Lol

Lol, smth like that ig. It would be nice to spend time with you outside of your house, lol.

Lol, yeah, it would be! So..what day?


Alrighty, bet lol

Imma take a nap, lol.

Sleep well goldy!

Plz stop calling me that-

Not happening, lol

I got off the phone with Lloyd and was feeling astatic. I'M GOING TO LLOYDS HOUSE!!

"OH MY FUCKING GODS! I'M GLING TO LLOYDS APARTMENT!!" I screamed, jumping off my bed and jumping up and down in my room, feeling a sudden burst of energy.

I suddenly stopped.

"Oh no. I have nothing to wear."

I started to frantically glance around my room. Oh gods I had nothing to wear.

I ran over to my dresser and tore the draws open. I started throwing my boxers, shirts, jackets, and pants everywhere. Once my floor was a mess, I slid down the dresser with a groan. Then, I started digging through my dirty clothes. And of course, when I found a good outfit, it needed to be washed.

I groaned and let out a pitiful whine. Why was life so hard?? And why was having a maybe-crush so hard??

All at once, I started thinking about the way Lloyd makes me feel. He made me feel...happy. he made me feel excited. Like, no matter what happened, I could always rely on him to brighten my day, and it always mad eme happy knowing I could talk to him. I..

My heart started beating rapidly. I remembered how I felt when I had hugged him, when I had almost kissed wanted to kiss him...

I suddenly realized. I did like Lloyd. I liked Lloyd but...but how?

I mean, I had had my suspicions about my sexuality but..I... I never really considered being anything but straight. So..what did liking Lloyd make me?

I sighed. I wasn't straight, that was easy as determined. What was I now? I...I picked up my phone and went into my contacts. The phone rang, and rang and rang, until a male picked up.



Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now