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"I know...I know you mean everything and I wanna be with you to- I mean, I like you, so of course I wanna be with you but, can we wait to officially get together after you break up with Alyssa," Lloyd asked shyly. I frowned. "She's been a bit h to you since our school found out you were Garmadon's son...and you want to spare her feelings?" Lloyd shook his head. "It's not for her. It's for you." I chuckled, pulling him into a hug, so that he was leaning against my chest as we cuddled on the couch. "Lloyd..I promise I don't care about her feelings-" "It's not that." I paused to listen to him explain. "It's because... you're breaking up with her at school right?" I shrugged. "Either st school or before Saturday. I'm not letting her ruin the first time I go over to my..." I remember him asking to wait until I break up with Alyssa and slightly laugh at the next thing I say. "I'm not gonna let her bitch ass ruin me going over to my boyfriend-to-be house for the first time. I'll probably call and asked to meet somewhere then break up with her before school is back on."
"That's another thing I like about you.." Lloyd mumbled. My lips slightly pulled into a grin, my heart beating rapidly. "Oh yeah? What's that?" "The fact that you want to break up with her in person.." my grin simmered to a soft smile, a soft, fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach; but not like the guilty fuzzy feeling..more of like...a comfortable...cozy feeling... admiration? No...

Adorableness? Yes. Lloyd was absolutely adorable.

"We did get along at some point in time, even if I hate her guts now, I try to respect the fact that before ether bullshit we were friends."

Lloyd giggled.


Omfg omggggg....Lloyd's gonna be the death of me.

"Hey Y/n..?" Lloyd called sleepily. "hmm?" "If it's alright with you...can I stay the night?"

Lloyd didn't need to ask twice. I picked him up, which made him squeal, took him to my room, threw him in the bed, (gently because I had a bunk-bed,) and persuaded to ask what kind of night clothes he wanted to use. "I could go one and get my own night clothes? I usually just sleep in sweats so I'll get me a shirt or something -" "I have a pair of sweats you could barrow? I sleep shirtless too so it's fine." "You sure," Lloyd glanced down shyly, his ears slightly red. "Aww, yeah baby it's not a problem! I umm.." Lloyd brought his emerald eyes up slightly, sparking like a witch had enchanted them, the more I looked, the more I fell under his spell. "I..I actually really want to see you in my clothes," I muttered softy, praying I was quiet enough he didn't hear me, but also hoping he did, my stomach in turmoil as I thought this, my heart was thundering in my chest so loud I thought Lloyd may be able to hear it if it got quiet enough.

Lloyd did hear me; and unlike all those sappy romance books, he didn't pretend to not hear me, instead, he made it very obvious he did..

"I kinda wanna see myself in your clothes too.." he said under his breath just as I had. This time, I was the one sending him a shy glance. His face was slightly flushed, his cheeks red and the top of his ears turning a bright red. I wonder if he had the squeezing, fuzzy, excited feeling in his chest as well..

We started at each other a little longer, his enchanted, spring forest green eyes enchanting my vision, so all I was thinking about was him. I gave a small smile, and went into my closet, which, surprisingly was the hardest thing I've ever done. I was so reluctant to rip my eyes away from his.

Pushing clothes out of the way, I finally found two pairs of sweats. "Blue or black," I asked, holding up the two options. "Blue!" Lloyd shouted slightly. "Is blue one of your favorite colors" I wondered in surprise when he nodded. "You learn something new everyday.."

"Okay so, there's a bathroom down the hall to the right, first and literally only door in that hallway, you can get changed in there or you can change in here, either ones fine wit me," I spoke, my voice getting deeper due to my need for sleep. "I'll take the bathroom," Lloyd smiled, getting off the bed and going to walk out of the room. I grabbed his arm last minute and looked at him, hoping he understood what I meant. He cocked a brow curiously and I let a deep rumble escape my throat. I slightly pulled him close to me and hugged him. Lloyd stood there for a second before letting out yet another giggle and hugging back.

I let go of Lloyd and smiled. He returned the look and went on is way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

I sighed, and quickly tore my shirt off along with my pants and slipped on my sweats just in time. I popped on some quick deodorant and Lloyd opened the door. "I'm back," he said before slipping in. I tried not to stare, but it was hard. Especially since well...Lloyd looked amazing in just about anything and him being in my sweats, shirtless, just magnified his beauty. "You're so fucking handsome," I said whispily. "Wha...what?"

I shook my head. "You're," I took a step to him, grabbing his hands. "So. FUCKING.," I emphasized on the word. "Handsome. You're breathtaking, pretty, beautiful," I sighed, staring into his wide eyes. "You're a literal angle, I'm calling it right now," I joked, but, a part of me actually meant it. I did think Lloyd was an angle.

"Let's go to bed, I'm pretty tired," I said to a speechless Lloyd. "Wha- oh, umm, yeah- okay, sure- yeah- umm.." I chuckled, kissing his temple before crawling into bed and patting the space next to me. Lloyd climbed in and had his back slightly towards me. (Which was fine.)
"Hey Lloyd..can I.." I asked hesitantly, wanting to put my arm around his waist or hold his hand. He turned around with a smile, hurried his face in my neck and rapped his arms around me. "Go ahead," he whispered. I smiled, my stomach started doing gymnastics and I hooked my arms over Lloyd's and secured it in the middle of his shoulder blades. "You comfortable..?" I whispered. "Mhmm..." I got a faint reply. "Night Y/n.." he mumbled, already off the Dreamland. "Night Lloyd.." I mumbled, not far behind.

This is perfect...

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now