Bro's Before Hoes

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What this? Me still up at 1:45 a.m. to feed my children with romance between them and a fictional character? Yup. 🍝🍝

I was so tired when I woke up. But it was okay. This was the last day if school before our three day weekend and then we would be good.

I got dressed in a black punk-rock spiked shirt and threw on some black ripped jeans with black and green converse.

My phone ringer and I ignored the call from Alyssa. I did, however, decide to call Lloyd.

"Hello," he sakd in a groggy morning vouce and I was instantly smiling as I put some things in my back pack. "Hey Lloyd, just wanted to call and tell you good morning." I heard him chuckle lightly an it made my heart flutter for some reason. "Good morning Y/n, how are you?" I smiled and sat back, slumping against the wall with a stupid smile on my face. "I'm great, how are you doing Lloyd?" "Ehh, okay I guess. I mean, I still have to go to school so.." I laughed. "Yeah, but I get to see you so it's not that bad," I teased. "When I get to see you school really isn't that bad," my face huet from how hard I was smiling. "Oh shit- I gotta go Lloyd, see you in the bus!" "See you on the bus. Don't be late dork."

We ended our call and I smiled even more, my heart beating from the adrenaline in the morning, my testosterone levels finally leveling out. Today was gonna be a good day. I could feel it.


Once again, when I stepped into the bus, I was greeted like normal, and as normal, I ignored everyone, making my way to the back with Lloyd.

I smiled and sat down, handing him a headphone. He smuked and accepted and Spotify started playing a random song.

"I want you to stop hanging out with Garmodon." My girlfriend's words rang in my head.

Alyssa Cadence. My girlfriend of two years.

I rolled my eyes.

It was my life, not hers, and I wasn't gonna let her push me around like a bitch. Besides, Lloyd's my friend. Then only one I can tolerate. And I'm not giving him up for her.

Bros before hoes. And that hoe can fuck off.

This is so short, but it's desert, not a full meal ✨💅

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now