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I woke up to the sound of my phone blasting music from my Spotify into the open of my dark room. I sighed, squinting my eyes and hitting dismiss. I rolled over in bed and pulled the blanket up to my chin, the soft comforter soft and fluffy around my bare chest. I was falling back asleep when my phone started ringing. I groaned in annoyance, who the hell would call me this early?

I picked it up.

"Hello," I mumbled lazily, eye still closed. "Hey baby! You ready for school," my girlfriend's voice rang through the speaker. I perked up and smiled a bit. "Not really, now let me go back to sleep." I said, spitting venom without a second thought. I was not, a morning person. "Oh c'mon babe, we got a reputation to keep!" I rolled my eyes and hung up.

Eventually, I got myself out of bed and dressed into some black ripped jeans and a cool, punk-rock band T of mine paired with my black battle jacket and black LED headphones. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, spitting into the sink and putting everything up before grabbing my black and red bag, before walking out of the house.

I sighed into the chilly morning air. I walked down the sidewalk that was nearly lit by streetlights and sat down on a green park bench at my bus stop.

I opened my phone, finally ready to talk to people and saw just how many of my friends had messaged me.

One thing I haven't mentioned.

I'm popular. Very popular.

You see, at first I didn't really mind it, but then it started getting annoying. It still is annoying.

I have no idea why so many people like me, I'm never nice to them- in my eyes they don't deserve it. They just want to use me to get on my level, then they'll leave and while I'm not scared about being left, I still don't wanna have to deal with it.

I don't need anyone, so it doesn't matter.

About five minutes later my bus pulls up. I take the steps up the bus and walk down the isle, looking for an empty seat. Eventually I find one next to...Lloyd Garmodon. I smile slightly as I sit down next to him, causing whispers and murders to quickly fill the air. Lloyd gets startled by my movement and slightly jumps, before looking over at me confusedly. "Hi, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I said softly.

Lloyd was one of the very few- then again maybe the only kid that didn't annoy me to the point I wanted to punch him in the face.

"U-umm..are you talking to me?" He asked, pointing to himself. I nodded, a smile still prominent on my face as I looked at him. "I sat down and scared you, so I'm sorry about that," I chuckled. He smiled hesitately. "I-it's alright- I- umm.." he stuttered, a soft rosy color coming to his face. "Sorry if this is a weird question, but do you know who I am?" He asked softly, pulling his green hoodie sleeves down slightly. I chuckled. "Everyone knows who you are, Lloyd Garmodon, Lord Garmodon son." He sighed. "That's me- j-just wondering. Not many people...socialize with me if you couldn't tell," he said. I could. "Ehh, between you and me you don't really scare me, if anything, you have a..calming presence -" "Y/n, dude! C'mon get away from the freak." Chen yelled at the front of the bus. I rolled my eyes. "Don't listen to him, he's a dick." Lloyd slightly chuckled at that.

"Alright, guess I gotta go, bye Lloyd, nice talking to you " I smiled, walking off the bus.

"What was that dude?" Chen asked once we were in the school. "What was what?" I asked, my face blank, basically a resting bitch face as I lowered the tone of my voice, I didn't mean to, but at this point it was a habit. "Talking to that walking freak show Garmodon." I rolled my eyes. "What what's with you being a dick?" He went to open his mouth but I didn't let him. "Oh yeah, you're always a dick, no surprise there. Listen Chen fuck off and stay the hell out of my business." I growled at him, making sure he got the point.

I didn't like Chen. I didn't like anyone really. I liked the quiet kids. The ones that didn't crowd me and ask for autographs, or put love notes and nudes in my locker. I eoukd happily converse and be friends with those kids.

Yet I'm stuck here.

"Jeez man...sorry I was just-" I shot him a glare and he shrunk back into a shadow, making no noise at all.

Chen finally stopped tailing me and I was able to go to my first class: Science.

I walked in and sat in the back, as usual. The classroom was empty, I must have been the first one here.

Soon, a white headed boy came into the classroom. Lloyd and I share this class? I wondered to myself. I shrugged. He looked up and I smiled and waved slightly. He looked around, hesitated and nervously did the same thing. I smiled again.

How can someone that small, cute, and timid be "evil"? Honestly, these people were in over there heads, I sware on it.

Sooner or later kids started flooding the room and I was eventually having to listen to our teacher rant.

"Now normally, I would never let this happen, but since it's a good day for me today, I have a one-time chance project we're doing." She said and for once the class was actually quiet.

"Before I explain, I want you guys to pick your partner, that partner will be your partner for the rest of the year- QUIETLY."

Everyone stood up and went to move by their choosen friend while I just sat there, denying each and every request and questions to be my partner. I looked around so many people had their eyes on me and none had their eyes on...Lloyd. I don't know what it is, but something just draws me to him. He's a very calm person to be around.

He'd make a good friend. I thought to myself. I nodded, standing up. Lloyd was sketching on a peice of papers aware no one was going to ask to be his partner.

I tapped on his desk. He tensed up and slowly drifted his eyes up to meet mine. "Hey, if it's okay with you- do you wanna be partners? And before you ask, yes, I'm talking to you Lloyd," I chuckled slightly.

He sat there shocked and for a minute I worried I had said somtbing wrong when a smile spread across his face. "Y-yeah, sure!" He said. I smile and sat down next to him across the row in the back.

"Now that everyone has their partners, your project is to research the solar system. Specifically your planet. I want you all to treat this like your scientists, you learned about them last week so this should be no problem. We'll be taking regular trips to a planetarium and you'll work with your partner for a 1-2 months. 3 max. Now that you all know that, our first trip is tomorrow so dress warm, and go ahead and get started."

"Umm, Miss, we need our planets." The teacher laughed, face palming before passing out everyone's planet.

Lloyd and I got Saturn.

I turned to look at Lloyd who was already looking at me. I smiled, outstretching my hand. "You probably already know me. But Hi, I'm Y/n." He smiled, grasping my hand. "You probably already know me, but hey, I'm Lloyd Garmodon."

I smiled wider. "Nice to meet you Lloyd." He chuckled. "Nice to meet you Y/n."

And just like that, maybe school wouldn't be so bad.

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now