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I laughed as I stared at me screen, seeing Lloyd's dissapearing and reappearing typing bubbles on the screen.

Me laughing seemed weird in this scenario, if I'm being completely honest.

Sweat was humid in the hot air, sweat dripping down my face and arms and onto my chest. I laid on my back, phone in my hand, completely naked, stroking my hard as fuck dick.

And laughing

It's not weird, I tried to reason with myself. Boys jerk off with their friends- I MEAN TALK ABOUT JERKING OFF WITH THEIR FRIENDS - All the time. Don't panic, stay calm, and shoot your shot.


Then he responded.

My stroking stopped at I stared at his response, flush over coming me, causing my breath to hitch in my throat and make me let out a deep moan as my hands grip tightened.


You must have a pretty big dick to be that confident, yeah?

        I have a ruler to back up that statement.

Yeah, whatever, bet you're a 4.

I growled. So that's how we're playing? Okay, I can play like that too.

Keep talking like that and I'll show you the difference.

You're bluffing.

I stood up and walked over to my dresser, grabbing a ruler and black marker. I set my phone down for a second and lined the ruler up under my dick.

Once I was sure it was even, I uncapped the marker and marked it, smirking.

*One image attached*

Lloyd's POV

Holy shit.

I-it's he-



Your POV

Okay, I take it back.

Told you so.

Fuck you.

I mean, I won't complain 😏


I rolled my eyes, knowing he was still staring at his phone.

So what I was 10"inches? Not that big of deal I still wasn't fully hard.

Okay Lloyd's this is gonna sound kinda weird, but I'm pretty sure it's normal for guy friends, so, umm, will you help me out? You don't need to if it makes you uncomfortable though!

I quickened my pace at the thought of Lloyd helping me. All I needed were a few pics and I would be good for the night. But I didn't want him to do it because I asked, I wanted him to be generally okay with sending me things.

So his reply made my heart stop.

Sure, what do you need..?

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now