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Heys guys, there's an important A/N at the end of this chapter so can y'all plz read it? Thank you!🖤

I woke up to the annoying beeping of my alarm as I did everyday. I reached over with a groan, hitting dismiss and turning back over, adjusting in bed and falling back asleep.

My second alarm went off and I let out a totally manly whine and one again, hit dismiss before seeing I had a message from Lloyd.

My heart sped up and I smiled, unlocking my phone and hitting his icon, reading what he wrote and hopefully look back on our conversation from last night, only to see...there was no conversation from last night.

I blinked a few times before realizing my bad case of morning wood. I groaned in frustration when I realized last nights conversation had been all a FUCKING DREAM?! FML.

Sassy Golden Retriever 🤍

Morning, do you want to work on our project today after school?

Good morning Lloyd!! Yeah sure I'm down, uhh, I have an idea for the structure of it all we could do if we can work together on how to make it work lol.

Yeah sure sounds good. Is around 4-5 good?

Yup! Can't wait. See you on the bus and at school!

See ya.

I sighed and picked out my clothes, before going to the bathroom and waiting for my morning wood to calm down.


My bus finally showed up after being fifteen minutes late, I was almost ready to go back home or walk to school. (Probably go home.) When it finally arrived, I was welcomed to the bus and I just gave stiff, fake smiles to them all and went to the back of the bus where Lloyd was, ignoring the murmers and whispers that followed after I sat next to him. "Hey," I smiled. "Hey," he said slightly monotoned, though his voice held almost a happy-mocking tone to it. (Kinda like in the movies- which was really cute to me.) "Having a good morning?" Lloyd shrugged. "It's.. eventful? I was trilled on the way down here and I think I rolled or sprained my ankle, but otherwise my mornings pretty good. What about you?" I frowned, hearing his story. "It was pretty good until I heard you got hurt. Let me see you ankle." "It's really not that-" "Lloyd." I said, giving him a pointed look with no room for objection. He gave me his foot and I, firstly, admired his converse as they were legit fire. (As in he had fire patches on them and they.were.ADORABLE.)

I grabbed and pushed around a bit, asking him if it hurt and he answered yes, with a bit of a hiss after I tried rolling around his ankle a bit. I apologized and frowned, reaching around my bag and pulling out a roll of bandages and a thick popsicle stick.

"What are you doing," Lloyd asked. I smiled. "You did roll your ankle. If you can't rest it, you can support it to keep it from getting worse," I said, taking off his show and sock, which was kinda.embarassing on his part, for why I had no idea. Don't take this as me being a creep, but he had nice feet. That sounds so wrong I know, but I mean it as a compliment and not a creepy-stocker-guy-with-a-foot-fetish type of way. ANYWAYS.

I rapped his foot up after securing the splint and let him out his sock and show back on, even after I told him he might need a brace. "Okay, I don't think it's that bad," Lloyd chuckled. "Maybe not, but better safe then sorry." "I guess," he laughed.


When we were in the classroom in science, Lloyd and I got to work on scetches for our model. After we had that down, Lloyd said he would get working on it and make notes, improvements and stuff on our blue prints as he went, and in the mean time, I was going to start working on our planets.

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