Always, Trouble.

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Heavy fists against her front door.

Six gunshots in her heart.

A splash of red from the hammer used to split a man's skull.

But, no, just the knocking of knuckles against her door.

"I'll be right there, Ravi!" Pip shouted, obviously assuming it was her boyfriend, who she was due to go on a date with tonight.

Her roommate giggled at her, falling onto her bed as she did. "You guys are so cute together," she said, standing back up and rolling her eyes as the knocking continued after a moment, louder this time.

"Ravi! Jeez, one second!" She groaned, running to the door and slipping on the hardwood floor, catching herself before she fell. She opened the door with a giggle, lips turned up into a smile.

"Oh, D - Detective Hawkins," She mumbled, caught off guard. "I'm sorry, I was expecting-"

"Ravi, right. I thought you two had split up?"

"Oh, that was quite awhile ago. Almost two years, I think." She said, looking up as if she was thinking; only, of course she knew how long it had really been.

Two years, four months, three weeks, and six days.

But hey, who's counting?

"Um, can I help you, Detective Hawkins?" She asked kindly, knowing Ravi would be there any minute.

"Right, that. We - well, there's no easy way to say this, and I knew you'd want to be the first to hear, but..."

Pips heart was picking up. Had Max been released, the charges dropped? Was the investigation being reopened? Had one of her friends confessed something, or gotten tied into the case? Oh god, was Ravi under arrest?

"Natalie da Silva is being charged for breaking and entering, and assault."

"Oh, shit," Pip mumbled. "Um, thank you for telling me. Why did you come all the way here to tell me?"

Hawkins shrugged. "I was in the area. On a date, actually."

Pip looked surprised, stifling a giggle and looking back to her roommate, Luna, who was giggling too. "Well, congratulations...I'm about to go on a date, myself, actually."

"Oh, my apologies. Have a nice evening, Pip."

"You too, Detective Hawkins..."

She exhaled, pushing her back against the door and closing it. "Fuck..." she whispered, running a hand through her curled hair and patting down the dress she was wearing.

"You alright, Pip?" Luna asked, walking over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder, leading her to their couch.

"I'm fine, I just have a bad history with that guy." She whispered, shivering as she remembered those many times he hadn't believed her.

If he had, maybe the blood on her hands would return to just being sweat.

She took a deep breath, standing back up and walking to her room to grab her shoes. Pip slipped off her socks and pulled on her open-toed pumps.

When she walked back out, she almost stumbled over herself, she and Luna both laughing. "Well, don't you look spiffy." Luna smiled.

The door to their dorm swung open, someone familiar and safe appearing in the doorway, his smile bright and his eyes lighting her world.

"Oh, Trooublee," Ravi sang, striding to Pip's side with three wide steps, lifting her from where she sat and pressing a kiss to her glossed lips.

She blushed, glowing with the feeling of his lips on hers, and pulled away.

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