Chapter 1

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"What's touching my chest!"

Bian Yingning just woke up and before she even opened her eyes, she felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on her. There was also a claw on her left chest that was misbehaving.

Before she could react, the claw boldly reached into her neckline and grabbed hold of her!

Immediately, all drowsiness disappeared.

Bian Yingning opened her eyes suddenly.

A woman, no, to be precise, a young girl, who looked so tender that it was almost disgusting, was in front of her. Bian Yingning didn't even know if she was an adult.

Her face was still chubby like a baby's, and her clothing was so shabby that a homeless person would call her "master" (either because of her disheveled clothes or because she was almost naked).

Her eyes were hazy, her red lips slightly open, and she looked like she was thirsty and unable to control herself.

But the problem was...

Bian Yingning turned her head to avoid the girl's red lips. If she was thirsty, she should go drink water. She was also a woman, did she have water to drink here?

It seemed like she did.

Damn, that's not the point. The point was how did she end up here?

"Who are you!" Bian Yingning avoided the kiss again, but it came back again. Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, she simply rolled over and pressed the person beneath her.

She straddled the girl's waist and held her hands against the pillow above her head.

She thought she could immobilize her, but she was still persistent.

She wriggled like a fish out of water under Bian Yingning, almost twisting herself into a pretzel.

The torn clothes couldn't hide the spring scenery inside.

"Give it to me." The voice was so hoarse that it was almost unrecognizable.

Something was wrong.

Bian Yingning frowned as she looked at the girl's irrational appearance. A guess emerged in her mind.

It looked like she was drugged.

But the problem was, she didn't remember knowing her.


Something dripped down from her own head, sliding over Bian Yingning's cheek and landing on the neck of the person beneath her.

A drop of blood, glaringly red in the sunken pale pit.

Bian Yingning was taken aback and lifted her hand to touch her own head... covered in blood.

What happened?

Instantly realizing that she had been shot in the head, the wound on her head began to throb with a piercing pain, and her consciousness began to fade.

At that moment, the little girl who had loosened her grip and was looking for another opportunity flipped Bian Yingning over with a forceful push.

Her delicate body, infused with the fragrance of roses, was once again on top of her.

Bian Yingning felt a pang in her heart, but her limbs were weak and she could no longer resist.

The chastity that she had guarded for so many years was about to be lost in such a fashionable way.

As she fainted, Bian Yingning heard the sound of the door being kicked open, and then the weight on top of her disappeared.

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