
"Good morning, Kat." Christina greets. She's up early. It's five thirty in the morning.

"Morning, Christina. Why are you up so early?"

"I'm always up this early." she shrugs.

"Oh, I see."

She sits herself on the couch beside me, very close to me. Her leg touches mine as she stares off into space.

"How'd you sleep last night?" I ask.

"I slept really well. Kate was very kind to me."

"To be sure, to be sure, she is a gentle soul."

"She kept me safe." Christina murmured under her breath. But I heard it. "Can you cuddle me?" she asked, a little bit louder now.

"Sure, come here."

I brought the girl into my lap and held her tight. Her body relaxed greatly and it was almost like she was smelling me with the way she was breathing.

"What's home life like, Christina?"

I feel her tense again and she holds onto me tighter.

"Whatever is happening I can help you, or I'll do whatever you want."

She starts to cry into my shoulder  and I hold her securely. I rub her back  reassuringly and rock her back and forth.

"I can't tell you." she sobs.

"Why? I can help you."

"I can't tell you. I can't tell you. I can't tell you." she repeats this over and over. She's still crying and I don't know what to do, so I just hold her, tightly.

"Okay, you can't tell me." I say to her. I notice that she calmed down upon hearing this so I say it again. I keep saying it until she calms down.

"I'm sorry, Christina."

"It's okay."

I kiss her head and hold her tight.

"You smell nice." she admits.

I will be honest, that took me by surprise. It's not everyday I get told I smell nice.

"Thank you?"

"Kate smells nice, too."

"Why are you smelling everyone?" I ask.

"Some people's smells make me happy. Like my sisters and my Mama."

"What does Kate's smell make you feel?"

"Everything good." she simply said.

"What's your favourite smell? Mine is lavender."

"You smell like lavender! Uh, my favourite is Kate's smell. She helped me sleep last night."

"Did she?"

I'm glad that Christina had some sort of escape from whatever goes on at home. And the more I think about it, the more I realise that Christina and Kate might be an item in the future.

"Yeah, she makes me feel comfy."

"That's good. That you have someone who makes you feel like that."

"It is?"

"One hundred percent."

"Can I live with you?" she asks, innocently.

"Unfortunately not. But if you don't want be at home or anything like that, you are more than welcome to come here. Whenever you want."

"Really?!" she bounces up and down on my leg and has the biggest smile ever.


"Thank you!" she exclaimed before hugging me, tightly.

"It's really no problem. Let's get some breakfast, Kate will be up soon."

She nods and follows me to the kitchen. I decide on bacon and eggs, which Christina doesn't have much issue with, but she did tell me that the bacon and the eggs can't touch on her plate. Fairly simple.

"Kate is going to your school. Isn't that grand?"

"She is? That's so cool. She can be my friend."

"She already is your friend, right, Christina?"

"Yeah. I meant my friend in school. I don't have any."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. How come?"

"I don't want any but sometimes I get lonely."

"We all get lonely sometimes. Even Kate."

"Mammy?" I hear her groggy voice call from the stairs.

"In the kitchen, spud."

She pats into the kitchen and she smiles widely at Christina.

"Good morning, Cubby!"

"Good morning, Kate!" Christina replies from the counter, looking down at her friend.

"What're you doing up there?" Kate giggles.

"Making breakfast." Christina giggles back. God, these two are so cute.

I've never felt this way about any of Kate's friends. Christina fills me with promise and love when it comes to Kate. It's almost like I can feel what is going to happen. I can see the inevitable and I'll get to have the privilege of calling Christina my Spud-in-law.

Another short chapter but it's the small moments in this story :)

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