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We're back in school now. It's online, of course. This pandemic seems to be immortal. But, restrictions are lifting, the girls go into school for two hours a day. With masks. Mainly because Zoey needs support from her SEN teacher, Ms Tyler. She's really great with her and keeps her from distracting herself and the other kids. Ms Tyler has been Zoey's SEN teacher since kindergarten.

Christina and I have started college. I'm doing a teaching course and a degree in Languages. Christina is going for a qualification of some sort in music.

Music is obviously something she's passionate about. I mean, it's literally her career right now. She has an excellent talent in music and I know that it'll shine through when it comes to her education. Call it a hyperfocus, but it has definitely been long term.

Christina was non-verbal until she was four, and even then, learning English was difficult since her fist language was Welsh. Eliza only ever spoke to her in Welsh and would desperately try to keep her away from English speakers, meaning that her siblings had to speak Welsh to her too. Her dad didn't know why Christina never understood him, and neither did she, so naturally, this was frustrating for the both of them.

Tina is very intent on teaching the girls and I Welsh. There are days where she'll wake up and can only speak and understand in Welsh. Her therapist, Connie, said that it was to do with her childhood. It's a really good job that Esther and Adrianna are living with us now. They help her with days like that.

I got a little side-tracked there, sorry. Anyway, music is definitely her outlet. And in her spare time, she studies it and developes her already insane talent further. Whether it be a new instrument being mastered in a day or two, or analysing every detail of a song she hears. She's always looking to challenge herself. Which is something I admire her for.

She'll always tell me about what she can pick out from a song. In the car, she'll dissect everything until its all layed out on a metaphorical table for me to learn about. She's just amazing and I am so happy that I will be the one to marry her one day.

That brings me on to another point;

The announcement.

We haven't said anything yet. Mainly because shit hit the fan and I didn't want to do anything without Christina. We haven't talked about it since she's been home and I don't think it's bothering her. It's not really bothering me.

While I absolutely adore Christina, I just don't want our relationship out there just yet. This is a part of my life that I cherish and keep to myself. My bit of privacy. Perhaps one day, we'll announce it to the world, but for now, it's my private matter. And besides, I think it'd be fun to turn it into a game. Teasing fans about my fiancé and them going into investigations to find out about her. Well, them, since I'm not out as a lesbian yet.

"Damn, you're deep in thought." Esther's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. Just a lot going on."

"I know, Kate. And you're so strong. You've been an absolute trooper through all of this." Esther assures me.

"Thanks, Esther."

"It's no biggie. Have you seen my girlfriend?" she questioned, looking around the empty living room as if she's hiding in plain sight.

"She and Christina went out for a run. I think they might of gone back to the Smith house to work out with Marley's Dad's gym."

"Nice. I can't wait for them to come back. Marley is so hot with her huge bulging muscles. They feel so..."

"Juicy?" I suggest.

"Defined. But juicy works too." she shrugged.

"What're you two talking about?" Adrianna questioned as she sauntered into the living room.

"Christina and Marley." Esther replied.

"Have they gone to the gym?" Adrianna asked as she sat on the couch with us.

"At Marley's spawn point." I joke. This gets Esther and Adrianna to laugh to, but Adrianna's face dropped after a while.

"You okay?" Esther reaches over me to place her hand on her sister's knee. I lay my left arm across her shoulders and rub her shoulder gently.

"Eden keeps calling me Swannie." she confessed.

Esther got up and sat on the other side of Adrianna. She took her sister's hand and gently squeezed it. Not saying anything.

"You haven't explained it to her, have you?" I ask, quietly.

"No. I don't want her to know. I know she thinks it's cute and she'll probably call Tina Cubby soon, but even after everything that's happened, she's still pushing."

"I'm sure Christina won't mind being called Cubby. As far as I know, she likes it. It reminds her of the few good parts of her childhood. The times she'd spend with us, away from that house." I assure Adrianna. "The question is, do you like being called Swannie?"

"I don't know." she shrugged.

"Maybe if we all went by our nicknames, you'd be able to figure it out?" Esther suggests.

"I guess."

"Well then, Swannie. Would you like to watch a movie while we wait for Cubby and Bear to come back?"

"Sure. What're we gonna watch, Birdie?"

"Any ideas, Kitty?" Esther- Birdie- looks to me.

"How about a Disney film?" I say.

"Sounds great."


"We're home!" I hear Christina call. We finished our movie and I went to lay in bed for a while. Just scrolling through my phone.

I get up and meet Christina and Marley in the living room. My fiancé's arms bulging from her work out.

"Hey, you." I smirk as I wander over to her.

I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her. Her strong arms hold my waist as she pulls me closer.

"Hey, I missed you." she said as she pulled away. I hear distant conversation, Esther and Marley, as I focus on the beauty in front of me.

"I missed you, too." I smile gently as I start to run my hands over her arms.

"I missed this." she confesses.

"Me, too." I reply as I continue to touch her. "Oh, we have to call each other by our nicknames for Swannie."

"Why?" Cubby gave me a weird look.

"Because Eden keeps doing it and Swannie doesn't know if she likes it."

"I see." she nods.

"Do you think you'll be okay?"

"Um... Yeah, I think that it'll make me miss Husky though."

"I know, Cubby."

Immediatley, I was given flashbacks of when I was bouncing in my car seat, excited to see my best friend called Cubby. I smile because I've always loved her. I just didn't realise it until I was about eight.

I've always loved her, and I always will.

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