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Christmas was so great. We enjoyed our gifts, went out for food and went for a cute couples walk. It's honestly one of the best Christmases I've ever had.

The sky had cleared up today. So the pretty colours of the sunset flood through our cabin. Christina watches it through her red lenses. She's told me numerous times throughout the day how much she loves her new glasses. And she can't wait to see the other ones.

"Can you even see the sunset?" I joke.

"No. But I can see you." she smirked at me. She shifts over to me from her spot on the bed and holds me, "And I like what I see."

"Stop it." I giggle and I feel my cheeks burn.

"No." she said, kissing my cheek. She turned on the bed to look at the sky, "It's so crazy. The sun had risen only two hours ago. Now, it's setting again."

"Its definitely something to get used to."

"Absolutely insane."

We woke up at about nine this morning, and the sun had risen almost two hours after we were up. Now, it's not even half one in the afternoon, and it's already setting again. Absolutely bonkers.

"It makes me want to go to sleep." I yawn.

"You know what that means?" Christina grinned.


"A walk!" she beamed.

"Get dressed then." I sigh, but I know I'll end up enjoying it anyway.

While we dress up, I think about how our trip. I'm really enjoying being here with Tina. She's my all time favourite person and love spending my time with her. I love all the walks we're having, playing in the snow with her, sleeping under the night sky with her. It just an experience I hope we will get to do again and again because it is absolutely gorgeous here. And the fact that I'm getting to spend it with Christina makes it even better.

"You ready?" Tina asks me from her place at the door. I fasten my boots and give her a nod and slip my beanie on. She takes my hand and he venture out into the darkening plain.

"It's so amazing here." I tell my wife.

"It really is." she agreed. I look over to her and see her grinning like a fool.

"What's gotten you smiling like that?" I muse.

"Everything. The snow, the cold, the walks, the fun, you. I like it here with you. We should one hundred percent come back."

"Definitely." I nod.

"But I feel bad for leaving the kids." her smile had faded.

"Sweetheart, they understand. And there's going to be times where they'll want to go on holiday without us. We don't need to take them everywhere we go." I say, although, now that I think about it, I do feel guilty for saying that.

"Yeah, I know."

"I think it's good that we're here on our own. We've become really dependent on them, just like they have with us. We all need to learn a little independency. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I think so too. We should be able to go somewhere and not worry abiut them when we know they're in good hands. We should be able to have time by ourselves. Because we deserve it." Christina concluded.

"Yes, we do."

"We work so hard, Kate. All the time. For us, for the kids, for the band and others. We need a break. We deserve it. I'm so glad that we're taking a break."

"I like the way you're thinking, babe. Have you been working on that with Connie?" I smile at my wife.

"Yeah." she nodded, a sense of pride in her voice.

"I'm so proud of you." I blurt.


"Yeah. You've come a long way. Some people don't make the progress that you do. Not everyone can do what you're doing. And you're pulling through. I'm so proud of you, Christina." I tell her.

"Thank you, Kate. That means a lot to me."

"Can you imagine if little CubbyJo could see you? She'd be so happy. She'd stim and jump and run around and celebrate. She'd be proud of you too." I continue.

"Connie got me to do this thing where I imagined that Cubby was in the same room as me. And she told me how proud she was. She had great big grinning her face and it made me so happy." Christina said, a smile spread across her face.

"I see Cubby in you sometimes. She's still in there and that makes me happy."

"You see her? When?"

"When you played in the snow for the first time. When we first kissed. When I gave you your presents. She's still with you, Tina."

"That makes me feel really good."


"Yeah. I feel like I live the happiness I should have had when I was younger when she comes through. Even if some people think I'm weird." Christina chuckled.

"That's good. That's really good. And as long as your happy, I am more than happy. I love you." I confess as I lean in to kiss her cheek.

"I love you, too." she kisses me head and side-hugs me while we walk.

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