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The first stop of the tour is Toronto, and unfortunately our only stop in Canada. We stay a week in Toronto. We're playing three shows and the other days are for exploring. Usually with the one-show-states we do all of the exploring in about three hours. Gay people equals fast walkers. Ruth and Zoey enjoy seeing everything. If I'm being honest, I'm hoping to run into KallMeKris or Celina Spookyboo. Big fan.

This is the first time we've been to Canada and Esther keeps going on about how cold it is for spring. Obviously, being from LA she's used to different climates. Pfft. Loser.

We went on a tour around the CN Tower and took a wander through the Royal Ontario Museum. Zoey really loved the dinosaurs. Christina really loved the dinosaurs. I wasn't impressed with the dinosaurs. But I pretended to be impressed with the dinosaurs. For their sake.

Then it was time for our first show. We fucking smashed through that shit. What a wonderful start to the tour, honestly. Still haven't bumped into KallMeKris or Celina Spookyboo. I'm dissapointed. But the week is still young.

After the show, I wanted to have a bit of fun with Christina so we went out to dinner. And I'm hoping to get some tonight.

"You okay?" Christina asked, taking my hand over the table. The kids are with Adrianna while Esther and Marldy have gone out. I feel bad for Adrianna sometimes and we didn't force the kids on her, Audrey has come with us with Khrystyna so I was going to ask them but Adie offered.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if we could have sex when we go back."

"Yeah." Christina nodded. I could see the excitement in her face. I think I might be lucky tonight.


We're about to play the second show in Canada but as always, it's the meet and greet first. A lot of excited teenage girls and horny adult women.

"Hey, it's okay." Christina assured a girl as she cried into her chest.

"I'm just really happy to meet you." she sobbed.

"I'm happy to meet you too."

Meanwhile, Adrianna seems to be having a staring competition with this poor woman she's shaking hands with. She looks, surprised and... In love. Oh my god. Adrianna is experiencing love at first sight! This is huge!

There was minimal conversation between the two. And I have a feeling Adrianna will take her time-out right about now.


I think Adrianna is a happy woman. She's walked with a little bounce in her step and even allowed Christina in her personal space. We've been to NYC before and she hated it, but now that she has her girlfriend, Ricky. Yes, I know, that was fast, but they are so in love it puts Christina and I to shame.

They hold hands nonstop and the kids love Ricky, including Sarah. I've never seen Adrianna so happy. Not even with Eden or Jo. Jo was nasty, worse than Eden somehow.


"Can you guys have Sarah tonight?" Adie asks Christina and I after our outing in NYC.

"Yeah, that's fine." I agree. Christina is tired and she's already crashed. Besides, I could use some girl talk. Can't really do that with Tina, I don't think she knows what girl talk is. I love her nonetheless.

"Thank you. Ricky and I are gonna spend the night at a hotel so you won't have to hear us."

"Or feel the bus rocking." Marley says from her bunk, "Christina and Kate are terrible for it."

At the end of our bus, it's like a bedroom and Christina and I have the pleasure of claiming it. And yes, when we get busy in the sheets, it does get a little rocky, but at least we're quiet. Esther and Marley are loud.

"At least we're quiet." I say.

"Shut up." Marley said, but that was followed by a small moan from Esther. Now I'm thinking that Marley was talking to Esther.

"Well, we're gonna go so the bus won't rock and so that it's quiet. I'm loud." Adie cringed.

"I don't care. Just have to let me know so I an take the kids somewhere or something. That's if you ever want to do it in the bus of course."

"Yeah, no. We kinda need space."


Adie went shy as she closed the bedroom door and sat on the bed with me, "Ricky is intersex. So she has a..."

"Got you." I nod.

"It's really good sex." Adie whispered, "Better than Eden or Jo. Ricky cares about me. That just makes me feel so loved and cared for. It's nice to have intimacy with someone who does it fo the emotional fulfillment as well as the physical."

"It's great. That's what's beautiful about having these relationships." I grin, "Do you use protection?"

"Uh, no. But if I get pregnant, we've decided that we wouldn't abort. We'll raise the kid together."

"You do realise that you're in ovulation right? We're synced."

"So I could get pregnant?"

"Well, there's always a chance of that but nows a good time, I guess." I shrug.

"I'm actually really happy about that." Adie sighed dreamily.

"You're a great mother to Sarah and you had a big part in Christina and Esther's upbringing, I'm sure you'd be even better with your own little baby."

"I hope Ricky is prepared." she mumbled to herself.

"Are you going to try and get pregnant?"

"If Ricky is okay with it."

"Its nuts how you've only been together for like two weeks and you're already talking about kids." I chuckle.

"Don't act like you and Tina didn't plan to marry by the age of ten." Adie scoffed.


"But yeah. Any ideas for names?"

"You're not even pregnant yet."

"That we know of."

"Fine. I think that if it's a boy, you should name him after Obediah."

"I like that." Adrianna nodded, "What if it's a girl?"

"I don't know. Name her after your favourite sister, I guess." I shrug.

Adrianna looked towards Tina, "Okay." she smiled. She patted my wife's leg before getting up to leave, causing me to gasp, "What?"

"Tina's your favourite?" I whisper?

"Shh." she held her finger up to her lips as she nodded gently.


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