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A year later...


I can't help but let the happy tears slip out as Mammy walks me down the aisle. My soon-to-be wife in her dark green suit, she too, cries of happiness.

I finally reach her and she takes my hand, brings it up to her mouth and kisses it.

"You look so beautiful." she whispers.

"And you look so handsome." I whisper back. "I'm so happy, baby."

"I'm happy, too, sweetheart."

She leans in and kisses my lips. It was only a short one but it said a thousand words.

"Let's do this." Tina nods to the officiant, Adrianna.

"We are gathered here today to witness the..."

Her voice is lost to me while I watch Christina. How handsome she looks in green. Her eyes do a scan down my body, my crimson dress, hair decorated with roses, I was holding a bouquet of roses when I walked down the aisle, but I handed them to my maid of honour, Esther.

I can see the love she has for me, in her eyes. Her pupils are dilated and she usually expresses herself through her eyes, and I can see it when she looks at me. When she touches me or holds my hand.

She's perfect to me. Sure, she may struggle with mental health and she hates it when her jeans rub together, but she's perfect.

I love the way she smiles. It's so subtle at first but as time passes, it gradually gets bigger and bigger until her teeth are showing and her eyes are happy. She does this thing when she laughs, she blinks really hard every so often. It's something she's always done and I have always found it adorable.

When she's excited, she flaps her hand about. This, paired with a big "Wow!" tells you that she is happy about something. She did it after the first time we kissed, when we were fifteen.

"Tina! It tickles. Stop!" I laugh as Christina pokes at my sides.

"But it makes you laugh. And I like hearing you laugh." she pouts.

"Can't you think of other ways to make me laugh?" I chuckle.

"Not off of the top of my head, no." she says, I realise that she's giving me the look. It's just where she stares at me for a little while but has a cute smile on her face. I love it when she looks at me like that. It makes me want to kiss her.

She's been really hesitant about stuff like that. PDA I mean. She struggles with holding my hand or me kissing her cheek. It's not that it makes her uncomfortable, it's just new to her. So I'm hoping to get her used to it soon.

"You're so beautiful." Christina tells me.

"No, I'm not!" I dismiss.

"Yes, you are!"

I look inside the fountain we are sat in, all of the coins cluttered at the base. I reach into my pocket and get out two coins.

"You wanna make a wish?" I ask Tina.

"Sure." she nodded, taking a coin from me.

I go first, I close my eyes and think of what I truly desire. I want Christina to be able to show her love to me. And I'm not talking about sex or anything like that, I just hope that she can find a way to express it.

I hear a plop in the water, telling me that Tina has made her wish. Mine soon follows, and we sit back on the edge again.

"Look at me." Christina told me.

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