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"Hey, you guys! How can I help?" Audrey greeted as she opened the door.

"We heard about Eleanor." I say.

She slapped her forehead, "Oh, shit. I conellety forgot to tell you. It's been so busy at the hospital and-"

"Audrey, it's fine. We know how much of a busy woman you are." Kate interrupted her.

"That's no excuse. Come in! I'll brew some coffee and I'll catch you up."

"Is Auntie Khrystyna home?" Zoey asks as we walk past Audrey.

"No, sweetheart. She's in a meeting with Auntie Connie."

"Is it about the Autism thingy?" Zoey raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Audrey nodded.

"What does that mean?" I question as I take my shoes off by the shoerack.

"The school isn't doing much to support the needs of kids with ASD so they're trying to put together a plan to make sure they get what they need. I would've been there but I just need a day off, man." she sighed. Kate and I exchange knowing looks. We definitely need to plan that vacation.

Audrey made some coffee and she started explaining what went down,"So, Eleanor and Hunter came to my house for Christmas while you two were in Lapland. As did all of the family. And mostly we just caught up with each other. Eleanor knows about Ruth and Zoey, however, she doesn't know about you and Kate. She thinks you're not friends anymore. So I thought it would be funny to let her think that and when she sees you, BOOM, you're six foot two, muscly and you've got a wife!"


"She's not ready to face you yet. But she's open to texting you and talking over the phone."

"Can I have her number?"


I got the number. And I sit on the couch, back at home trying to figure out what to say.

Hey, it's Cubby

And I hit send. My heart was beating so hard for some reason.

Hey! You finally texted me!

My thumbs were so shaky.

I've only just got your number. Audrey forgot lmao

Ah, classic Audrey. How've you been?

Good. How about you?

I'm getting there. I've got an amazing fiance and a daughter and three huskies. Husky has huskies lol

That's funny

Very ironic, huh?
Any partner for you?

I think about what Audrey said. I could say that I'm married, but who to...? I have no friends who would do that... I have no friends.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tryna think who would be my wife because I can't tell Husky that you are."

"Ana." Kate shrugged, "I'll let her know."

"Too big of an age gap." I shake my head.

"Sunnie or Lassie? I know you don't know them but it's good. She'll never know."

"Yeah, nah, I think I'll just say I'm single." I dismiss.

No, I'm busy with work and the kids. And college was stressful and I don't go anymore because I completed my studies.

Right! Doggy said that you have TWO DOCTORATES. WTH

I'm like... Super brainy.

I'm happy for you


I met your kids. They're just like you used to be
Especially Zoey

Because she's autistic?

Well, yeah and no.
She's like the version of your childhood that wasn't able to happen. She's a great kid. And Ruth is literally just you in a smaller body.

I know, she's the spitting image of me.

It's crazy.
I hear Adrianna had twins
One of them is named after you.

Yeah, a girl and a boy.
Christina and Obediah
They're cute

I can't wait to meet them

They're great.

You're a bit of a dry texter yk

Yup. It drives Esther crazy

I can't believe you're all grown up. It feels like yesterday we were playing Kate and her mom. How are they?

I don't know.

Oh, I'm sorry, Cubby. What happened?

They moved again after Dad started hitting Kate

Holy shit.

Yeah. They're back in Seattle I think

Oh, man. I'm so sorry. I know you liked Kate a lot.

I loved her.

That's gotta suck. Dad's an ass. I hope gets what he deserves in prison.

Yeah, same
I'm gonna go.

Okay, Cubby. Don't be afraid to text me. I've missed you

I've missed you too

Before you go
I just need you to know that I love you and even though I want nothing more than to give you a big cwtch, I can't see your face

I know. I understand

Thank you, Cubby
I love you

I love you too

And I put down my phone. Kate was sat next to me, staring a thousand yards ahead, looking sad.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm just wondering about Sunnie and Lassie. I miss them."

"Aw, babe. I'm sure they wonder about you."

"I'd hope so, but I doubt it. I've missed them for so long and I'd love to visit but I doubt they'd talked to me since I had stop talking to them to become a mother. I feel awful because I never told them about it."

And then I got an idea.

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