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I was giving Christina pre-birthday head and she was obviously enjoying herself. She was grabbing my hair and pushing my head further into her.

"Oh, yes! Right there, Kate! That's so good!" she moaned. Christina quite enjoys receiving cunnilingus. And it wasn't long until my mouth got her to the high she was desperate to reach.


I've noticed that Christina's... Cum... Is very different to my own. It's thick... And white... And more of a liquid than a weird gel like mine is. And it tastes like semen. I know what you're thinking, how could I possibly know what that tastes like? Christina's father was an awful man who did awful things to not just her...

It's weird though because why would Christina be producing semen? She's a woman! Biologically female, always has been. She's not intersex and never had any surgeries down there. It's just strange to me.

Nevertheless, I swallow it all because I like the idea of her pleasure being in my body. It's extremely weird, I know but it's just how I am. But the concerning part is where a constant flow of this stuff comes out of her for like two minutes. She's still riding out her high so she barely even notices the look of surprise when another pulse of her core oozes cum. But again, I still consume it because it's hot.

"Wow." she chuckled as she wiped her face with her hands, "You are so amazing."

"Thank you." I grin as I swallow the last of her.

"Best pre-birthday head ever." she smiled down at me. I crawled up her body and kiss her lips gently. Then that lead to Christina pleasuring me and oh my God, I love having sex with this woman. She's fucking gorgeous and so loving when we do it. Always asks me if I'm okay, if I like what she's doing, if I'm comfortable. She's so cute.

"I love you." I tell her as she lays next to me. She takes me in her arms and kisses my jaw, and I feel her boobs brush against my side.

"I love you, too." she replied. I turn to bury my face in her chest and I feel her kiss my head. I pulled away from her and pushed her onto her back. She was surprised but immediately knew what was happening when my hand started to wander, "Another one? You spoil me." she smirked.

"Birthday girl needs her fix."

"My birthday is tomorrow, though."

"Yeah, but I don't think I could fuck you knowing that it's also our kids' birthdays too." I shrug.

"Fair." she agreed.

After teasing her for a while, just gently touching her centre with my finger tips, I went full in. I was doing it as I usually would, but something told me to go just a little deeper. And I did.

That's when I felt it. Or... Them.

There were two bumps, side by side that felt embedded into her vagina. And everytime my fingers brushed up against them, she'd have a stronger reaction that if I'd stopped at the usual depth.

"Oh my God, why are you in so deep?" she gasped. I could tell she liked it , it was just new to her.

"Babe, there are two lumps in your vagina." I tell her.

"What?" she lifted her head up to look at me. Please be aware that I am still very much fucking her so she's finding it hard to concentrate.

"Yeah, there are two lumps next to each other. And you seem to really like it everytime I touch them."

"Ah! Yeah, it feels good."

"Maybe we should take a trip to the doctor?"

"Maybe. Oh, right there!" and then she came. The stuff came out again and I cleaned it all up. It wasn't long until she cashed after that, but I was left worrying.

What if it's a cancer or tumour? Even though she's basically infertile, Christina is very proud of her vagina and uterus as they aided in Ruth and Zoey's existence and she loves them with all of her heart. For her to have a hysterectomy or something like that would crush her. I don't want her to have to go through something like that either.


"Happy birthday, Mama!" I hear the two scream as the launch themselves onto the bed. And yes, we are still naked but we're all women and we have the same parts so we don't mind being naked around them.

"Happy birthday, Ruth! Happy birthday, Zoey!" Christina says.

"Happy birthday! I can't believe my little girls are growing up." I pout.

"We're only seven, Mom!" Ruth giggled.

"But you were six yesterday!"

"We'll always be your babies, Mom. Always." Zoey smiled softly.

"Thanks, Zoey." I reply and leaned forward to kiss both of their heads, "I'm gonna go for a wazz."

"Enjoy your wazz!" the three of them shout. It's a Victorious reference.

I chuckle as I go to the toilet. I'm not sure if Christina wants to shower this morning or later on in the evening, but I still get everything ready after I do my business and wash my hands, just in case.

As soon as I open the bathroom door, Christina is stood in front of me, shock all over her face, "Hi, there."

"Hi." I smile.


"Yes." I nod.

She backs me into the bathroom and we shower together no funny business. Except for the time that Tina slapped by butt and the brief period where we cuddled in the shower. Sure, the shower is warm but Christina is warmer.

"Happy birthday, babe." I smile at my wife and lean up to kiss her.

"Thank you." she answered.

"I've got the best birthday planned for you guys." I gush as I turn off the water.

"Yeah?" she asked as she stepped out of the shower.

"Totally," I nod as I follow her, "It's gonna blow your socks off. But I think Esther and Marley will be popping in soon."

"Okay. Do you think Adrianna has been nice enough to make breakfast?"


"I hope so." she said quietly but her stomach growled really loud.

"Are you hungry?" I muse.


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