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I woke up in Tina's arms, as I normally do. But this time, it feels different, knowing that she's my fiancé and not my girlfriend. I wonder if it will be new to me again when we're married.

I nuzzle into her neck and I hear her sigh.

"Morning." I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Good morning. Should we post those photos?"

"I think we should tell the family first."

"Yeah, I forgot about that. I'm just so happy." I chuckle into her neck.

"Oh, believe me, honey. I know."

"I can't wait to show the girls."

"They helped me pick out the ring."

"That's sweet."

"And I asked for Mammy's blessing and Ana was around so that's why they were so quick to hang up yesterday. Because they knew."

"Oh, really? Is there anyone who doesn't know?" I muse.

"Yeah, everyone apart from Ruth, Zoey, Mammy and Ana."

"So we can show Esther and she'll be surprised because she didn't know?"

"You ask too many questions."

"I know." I groan.

"Yes, Esther will be surprised and elated."

"That's great." I grin, victoriously.

"I need to pee but I don't want to leave the bed." I hear my fiancé whine.

"Go pee. I'm gonna go get coffee." I say, tapping her shoulder twice and starting to get from the bed.

"Baby, wait."



"Of course." I climb over her body and leave a sweet and sensual kiss on the lips before hopping off of the bed and heading towards the kitchen.

Adrianna and Eden were there already, making coffee and breakfast.

"You can stay permanently, if you'd like, Adrianna." I joke.

"Hahaha, no."

"Rude." I scoff.

"I miss fucking the shit out of Adrianna, so no, we won't be staying for long after the pandemic. Once it's all over, we're going back to our house and having the night of our lives." Eden said. Adrianna visibly gulps at her girlfriend's words.

"TMI." I roll my eyes. Adrianna hands my coffee over and at the same time, Christina emerges from the bedroom.

"Where's Ruth and Zoey?" she asks. Now that I think about it, it's weird that the girls hadn't come in yet for the morning ritual.

"I think they're with Sarah. I saw them all cwtched on her bed. It was cute." Adrianna explained.

"Do you know why?" I wonder.

"Nope." the blonde shook her head. I sipped my coffee and becuase I normally hold the cup in my left hand, my new ring didn't go unnoticed.

Adrianna's eyes found the green gem and she spat out her coffee, kinda like in the movies.

"What the fuck, babe?" Eden gestured dramatically to the coffee dripping from her girlfriend's lips.

"Dude, when did that happen?!" Adrianna questioned, motioning to my ring.

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