
"Mammy, is Cubby okay?" my daughter whines as we wait in the waiting room. We've been here a while now. No sign of Eliza.

"I really couldn't tell you, spud. I hope she is."

"I'm scared. What of she's not okay?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I don't wanna lose another friend, Mammy."

I wasn't expecting that.

We had to move from Seattle to here and Kate had two best friends, Sunnie and Lassie. She loves them and they call as often as possible, Kate showed no sadness but I guess she's feeling it now.

"You won't, spud."

"How do you know?"

"I just do."

No, I don't but I can't tell Kate that. I can't break her heart.

"Eliza!" Kate bolts out of her seat and to a worried Eliza. I get up to join my daughter.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"She's okay. Thank you for staying."

"Nonsense, Kate and I are more than okay to be here for you and Christina. Isn't that right, spud?"

"Yeah. I'm just happy she's okay."

"Do you want to come and see her? She really wants to see you."

"Really? Let's go!"

Eliza chuckles to herself as she leads the way to her daughter. However there's a look in Eliza's eyes that tell me that something more is happening. I can't shake the feeling.

Kate let's herself into the room and Christina's eyes light up immediately at the sight of her friend.



Christina starts to flap her hands and shake her head with a massive smile on her face. It's very cute. I think it's the first time I've seen her smile.

"Can I come on you bed?" Kate asks.


"Do you want some help, spud?"

"No, thanks, Mammy, I got it." she says before trying to lift her small body onto the bed, but her little arms shake as she just balances on the side of the bed, unable to get her legs up. Christina sees the struggle and helps her the rest of the way, holding Kate in her arms while she catches her breath. "You're strong, Cubby!"

"Thank you."

"Can I speak to you, Kat? Just outside for a minute."

"Yeah, of course." I set Anaheim on the bed with Christina and Kate and follow Eliza into the hallway.

"I hate to ask for such a big favour but I wouldn't if I wasn't desperate. Can Tina stay with you until she's better? Please? I'll transfer the appropriate amount of money, I just think she could do with some peace and quiet, away from her siblings, they can be very loud. She had a pretty bad concussion. "

"Of course, I'm sure Kate would love that. And there's no need to pay. As long as Christina is fine."

Again, there's something more to this than a concussion and a loud house. There's just something not quite right about it.

"Thank you, Kat. You're an angel."

"It's really no problem and besides, it'll give me a break from all the asking about Christina." I joke.

"It's a win-win for everyone."

We discuss details on how this will work. Like, clothes, wash stuff, and the rest.

I go back into the room where the three girls are. Only now, Christina is holding Anaheim while Kate looks over her shoulder at her.

"She fell asleep on me." Christina said.

"No wonder! It's pretty late."

"I'm sorry I kept you all here."

"It's fine, Christina. Really. I have good news for you though. You're going to be staying at my house for a while, until you're better."

"Really?" Kate whispers. It's something she does when Anaheim is asleep, she never raises her voice. She's so cute.

"Yes. So when the doctors let you go, you'll come back to my house, and you stay there for a while."

Christina's face has an expression of relief. She has a smile on the face and tears welling in her eyes. This tells me that something is going on at home. Eliza seems desperate to get Christina away and Christina is relieved to get away. That's not right.


"Right. Home, sweet home." I announce as all the kids go through the door.

"Mammy? Can Cubby sleep in my room? Please?"

"Only if she wants to."

"Cubby, do you want to sleep in my room?"

Christina nodded shyly. Kate celebrates while I take Anaheim up to her crib.

It's currently eleven at night so the kids must be tired.

"Christina, go get dressed and ready for bed, Kate will show you around." I say.

"Yes, Mrs Montgumery."

"You don't have to call me that. You can call me Kat."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, darling. Now up to bed, you must be tired."

"Let's go, Cubby!"

"Goodnight, Kat."

"Goodnight, Christina."

Kate leads the girls upstairs to her room and that will be the last I'll hear from them now until morning. Peter will be away for the next few days so maybe the house will be less empty with Christina here. She's a lovely girl but something is just not right about her. Well, not her specifically. The family. They've got something they don't want everyone to know.

I check on the kids before going to be myself, Anaheim is still sleeping so I make my way to Kate's room.

There, on Kate's bed, are the two girls cuddled up together. Kate holds Christina like her life depends on it. Christina looks like she's at peace, which is a look I don't see when she's awake.

I wonder what draws them together?

Short chapter. I know.

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