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I've been thinking. Thinking a lot.

I really enjoyed making Kate's guitar. It was a process... But I really liked it. And I want to make more like it. In fact, I want to open a whole entire ass guitar shop. I just don't know how I could do that.

I mean, first, if have to start by actually making guitars. Selling them possibly. Then, if business goes well, I could get more employees and then make more and more. Then I'd have to find a place to open a shop. And I'd have to name it.

All of this can't be done right now. As we're getting ready for tour in the spring. We usually just tour in the US, since our jobs are based here and we can't really be away for long amounts of time. Otherwise we could lose said jobs. I hope to go to Europe some time. Maybe the next tour, during summer vacation or something.

I must've zoned out for a little bit, because I have a feeling my wife's been trying to get my attention for a little while.

"Tina, you're worrying me." she said.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." I smile as I look her in the eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, placing a hand on my scalp and scratching gently. I told a lie a few years ago, only Kate can relax me by touching my hair. Only Kate can touch my hair.

"I want to open a guitar shop." I tell her.

"Okay. That something that we can definitely look into." Kate nodded.


"Yeah, I mean, the Geotar is amazing. Such a nice sound to it and it feels really nice to play. It's a good guitar."

"That means a lot to me." I tell my wife.

"I'd be glad to help you set it up, if it's definitely something that you want to do."

"It is."

"Okay. We'll do it then."

"Thanks, sweetheart. I love you." I confess.

"I love you, too."


"Mama, I'm having troubles." Ruth pouted as she sat down next to me.

"Why's that, Ruth?" I ask as I play with her hair, but she shakes her head.

"Don't touch my hair please, Mama."

"Sorry, sweetheart." I apologise as I move my had to her shoulder, "Is this okay?"


"Okay, so... You said you were having troubles? What's going on?"

"I don't know which martial arts class I wanna take. I'm stuck between three."

"What's that then, Bach?"

"Karate, Taekwondo and kick boxing."

"I'm pretty sure those classes don't overlap."

"But I can only choose one, right?" Ruth looked up at me.

"Who said that?"


"Who said that you can only choose one? You can do all three if you really want to." I tell my kid.

"Really?!" a smile took over her face and she bounced on the sofa with excitement.

"Yeah. I'm sure Mom wouldn't mind either."

"So can I do all three? Please?" she put her hands together like she was begging.


"Thank you so much!" she shouted and hugged me.

"It's no problem, Ruth. As long as your happy."

"I am. I so am!" she said and ran off to my bedroom, probably to find Kate.

I'm just trying to make it so that my kids get the best childhood. I want them to have better memories than I have, than Kate has. I'm trying to set them up for a happy life. One full of love, compassion, passion and kindness. I want them to put their big hearts to good use and change the world. Or at least make a difference. Like I'm trying to do, like Kate is. And every single member of LGBTQ+ community is.

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