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"Tina! Where are their socks?" I shout.

I have to get the girls to daycare and then get to school and we are running late.

"I found them!" she says, running down the stairs, but she tumbles on the last few or so.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I rush over to my girlfriend who is at the bottom of the stairs, on her butt with two pairs of socks for our three year olds.

"Yeah, just get the girls ready, I've got the car." she winces as she gets up, handing me the socks.

The girl has such a high pain tolerance so she has to be in quite a bit of pain to be wincing. But she's so used to brushing off her pain so that she's willing to look passed it.

"No, tell me where it hurts." I demand.

"I'm fine." she says, waving her hand for finality, before heading out to the car, limping while she walks.

She had to go home again, I'm not sure why though. But evertime she goes to that house, she comes back hurt. I really hope she'll tell me what happens. I want to stop it. I want to help her but she's not letting me.

There's only so much I can do.

I put the socks on the little girls' feet as they giggle with one another.

Ruth looks exactly like Christina. The same beautiful blue eyes, soft blonde hair and the cutest nose.

Zoey, on the other hand, I struggle to find the similarities. She has brown hair and brown eyes. However, Christina claims that she looks like her cousin from Spain, only Zoey is more white, whereas her cousin sports a beautiful tan. I've seen pictures and I can see the resemblance.

"Mommy!" Ruth whines as she holds her hands towards me.

That's her way of saying that she wants cuddles.

"Not right now, Ruth." I say, getting their shoes on as well.

"Mommy." she pouts.

"We have to go."

Christina walks through the front door and Ruth is done with asking me now.

"Mama!" she smiles, making grabby hands at her. Christina only picks her up, along with both of their jackets and leaves through the front door. I notice she's still limping a little.

I pick up Zoey and do the same, getting her settled into the car before getting into the passenger seat. We take off to the daycare.

"Are you okay?" I ask Christina softly.

"No." she sighs.

"What's up?" I take her hand in mine and rub her knuckles soothingly.

"My ankle and my knee hurts."

"Okay. We'll get some ice on it when we get to school. Thank you for telling me."

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." she tells me sincerely.

"That was a pretty nasty fall. I don't blame you, it's not your fault."

We've been working on getting it into her head that not everything is her fault. Which proves to be difficult because Joshua has drilled that into her since she was born. Can you imagine that? Sixteen years of blaming yourself for everything that happens.

We drop the girls off to daycare and speed off to school. I make sure that Tina gets her ankle and knee looked at by the nurse and get some painkillers and ice for her.

Luckily, we have the same schedule for school, so I can stay with her and look after her.

Everyone knows what I'm like when it comes to Christina. I'm protective. They must know that something goes on at home because her dad is a piece of shite, pardon my Irish, but I don't get why no one has reached out to her and helped. I can't do anything because I'm too scared myself. I have been threatened and I know that they're not empty because I've seen how hurt Christina gets. Since giving birth to the twins, she has been beaten so much that she is infertile now. She can't have more kids if she wanted to.

"Morning!" Christina's best friend and neighbour, Marley chirps. Luckily we made it in time.

"Hey, Marley. How was your weekend?" I reply.

"It was okay, I guess. I miss having you guys around all the time, though."

"I'm sure you have Esther to keep you company."

"Her dad doesn't let her come over and she doesn't want to sneak out. So I mainly keep to texting her and whatnot, but it's not the same as talking to her, do you know?"

"I must admit, Esther is much better in person."

"I can't wait for her to join high school." Tina mumbles.

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"So I can talk to her more."

I know why Tina wants to talk to Esther more. She wants to know if she's safe, if she's okay and what happens when she's not there. Esther is a terrible liar so Tina would know the truth if she spoke to her in person.

"Just a few more months and she'll be a freshman."

"Ew, I'll be sophomore next year." Marley says in disgust.

"Hey! We're sophomores!" I defend.

"My point, exactly." as if on cue, the bell rings and I help Tina to first class. I feel its going to be a long day for her. That mind of hers goes a million miles an hour when her body doesn't. She's always out of it and is always confused with what goes on in the real world. She disassociates a lot. But her grades are awesome, nothing below an A.

I kiss her head as I lead her into fist class and just pray that it goes fast.


News flash. It didn't. The whole day dragged painfully. But it is all worth it when I pick up my happy girls from daycare, and they get even more happier when they see their Mama and Granny.

"Mama!" Zoey squeals as I set her down to run to Tina. She speeds of and Christina picks her up and lifts her high in the air, our daughter giggling as she does so.

"Granny!" Ruth says and does the same as Zoey, only running to Mammy instead of Tina.

"I have to go back home today. Will you be okay?" Tina asks as she catches into Zoey on the couch.

"Yes, but do you have to go alone?"

"Yes, love. I'm sorry." her eyes soften and that tells me she doesn't want me to get hurt. But I am willing to get hurt as long as I can be there for Tina.

She stands up and gives Ruth and Mammy a kiss before coming over to me, giving Zoey a kiss too before handing her to me and finally I get a kiss.

"I'll be okay. I promise." she gives one last kiss before she leaves and I am left worrying and missing Christina.

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