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"Hey, sorry if it's a little loud, the girls are playing in the background." I tell the band.

"Nah, it's all good, Tina. Kids will be kids." Adrianna shrugged as Esther and Marley joined the call.

"Hey!" Esther chirped.

"Hey guys." Marley's low voice vibrated the call. It sounded like she's just woken up.

"Just had a nap, have we, Marley?" Kate teased.

"Shut up." she yawned.

"So, now that we're all on the call. Let's talk business." Adrianna announces.

"Yeah, what's first on the agenda?" Esther asked.

"How are we going to work with this Covid pandemic in the way?" Arianna threw the question out there.

"I've been thinking about this. Maybe if we all isolate for weeks at a time and meet up at the studio?"

"No, Esther. That won't work because-"

I listen to them bicker back and forth. You can tell they're sisters. It's just non-stop. I rest my head in my hands and let out a sigh.

"Well, I don't know what you want from me Adrianna!" Easter huffed.

"Babe, calm down. Breathe. We'll work it out. But we can't do that if we're all arguing. Same goes for you Adrianna." Marley reasoned. The two girls visibly take a breath.

"Does anyone else have any ideas?" Marley questions.

Kate looks at me as if asking permission and I nod.

"Hey, guys? Tina and I were talking the other day and we thought that maybe you all should move in with us. We all have the room and it'll only be temporary. We'd all become the same bubble and we could record and film stuff here." Kate suggests.

"Oh... I would've never thought of that." Adrianna realised.

"It'd give Marley and Esther a chance to be together too." I shrug.

"I'm in!" Esther's hand shoots in the air as the excited grins pulls across her face.

"Yeah, I'd get to hang out with my favourite people all the time." Marley smiles.

"Awe, Marley! You pull on my heart strings." Adrianna smirks.

"I was actually talking about Tina and the twins but okay."

"Love you, too, Marley." I blow a kiss into the camera to my best friend.

"So, it's settled. When can we move in?"

"Whenever you're ready, I guess. I will have to get a room ready for recording."

"What if we just did it in the living room? A bit of bedroom pop?" Kate shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe." I nod.

"You okay?" Kate asks.


"Do you want them to move in?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"You said 'yeah' way too many times." Kate chuckled with caution.

"I'm fine." I tell her.

"Okay." she gave in because she knew not to push.

"Guys, if you are gonna move in, there are gonna be some rules."

"Yeah, sure." they all say.

"Bed by ten. The girls need their sleep and quite frankly, so do I. Please resist the urge to be loud during intimacy. That's something I don't want to explain to the kids just yet. And only one round per week. And I mean that. Always knock before entering any room. Four times. Knock four times. Always tell me what shopping you need. Don't be too loud. Give people space when they ask for it. And that's it. "

"To be honest, I don't think I could have sex knowing that my sisters and my baby nieces are in the house." Esther admits.

"Thank god." I sigh.

"Okay, well I guess that's settled. We need to talk about new music stuffs though, so let's start that." Adrianna stated.


"Hey, Tina. Are you sure you're alright?" Kate asked me.

"I'm fine, Kate. I promise." I smile at my girlfriend.

The truth is. I'm not.

This Covid stuff has me worried out of my mind. I'm worried about my siblings, Kate's family, my Mama. And the community we've built. Just because there's so many of them doesn't mean I can worry about them.

We have mostly and LGBTQ+ fan base. I don't know if they're living in abusive households or unaccepting households. I just really hope that they're all safe and not in danger.

This worry is eating me alive.

"Okay. How about we cuddle in bed for a few? I need you." Kate suggests.

"Yeah, okay."

She takes my hand leads us to the bedroom. She jumps on the bed and get situated between the pillows.

"Where do you want me?" I ask.

Kate has a lot of cuddle positions she likes to be in and always has a specific one she wants for everytime she wants to cuddle.

"Blanket!" she exclaims.

I crawl on top of her until I reach her chest. I lower myself down and use her boobs as pillows. Resting my head between the two of them. She calls this one the Blanket because she says that I'm warm and that I cover her whole body like a blanket.

Her hands go to my hair and I run my fingers along her sides. It just relaxes us.

I love it when she plays with my hair. It's soothing. For panic attacks, meltdowns, overstimulating. Anything. And doesn't have to be just Kate. Anyone could play with my hair and I'd calm down.

"You're hair is so soft." Kate chuckles.

"Just for you, my dear." I smirk into her chest.

"Do you remember if I took my medication today?" Kate questions.

"Uhh, did I take mine?"

"Oh dear." she chuckles again. I like to make her laugh. It gives me that sense of achievement. I was made to be the one who makes everyone happy. I want to make everyone smile.

"I guess we'll find out." I shrug.

"I guess we will."

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