Chapter 10: Found

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-Karkat's POV-
It's been about two or three days since Sollux and I brought Eridan to Sollux's place. Honestly I hope he's feeling better. He means a lot to Sollux. Eridan is like the best thing that ever happened to Sollux, other then me. I don't really like him, but any friend of Sollux is a friend of mine. Well anyway I was working a late shift at a café called 'Dragon's Wing Café'. I don't know why it's called that but I try not to question it. It was almost time to close up shop for the night. No one was here except a couple of people working in the back. So really it was just me, John, and Jade here, until this really tall guy walked in. He looked really weird. I thought nothin of it though. Comic-Con was being held somewhere near by for five days I think. I never actually went there but when it does come around, it's really cool to see all those awesome costumes that the people wear when they come by. The man walked up to the counter. God he was really tall. Either that or I'm shorter then I thought. And I'm already really short! His pitch black hair was a complete mess, he wore clown face paint,(kinda scary face paint if you ask me) his eyes were almost glowing deep purple. But of course, the shop isn't closed yet, so I still had to be nice and get him his coffee or what ever the hell he wants from here. "Hello, welcome to Dragon's Wing Café. How can I help you?" I asked the strange man. He scares me a little to be honest. Then he spoke, "I'm looking for someone. He's about six foot, thin, short black hair, and glasses. Have you seen him?" Wait... Was this strange, horrifying man asking if I've seen Sollux!? Just yesterday Sollux told me that Eridan woke up and told him that his father was going to try and find Sollux to kill him! Maybe this was someone that Eridan's dad sent to get do the job. Shit, I can't let him find Sollux or Eridan. I'll just have to lie then, "no, sir. I haven't seen anyone like that. Besides, I see a ton of people here each day. I could never memorize any particular one. I'm sorry sir." Damn, knowing that this guy might kill Sollux and Eridan, it's hard to not freak out and give a believable lie. I think I did good though. It should hold him off for a while, but that guy is bound to find someone who knows Sollux and where he lives. I have to tell Sollux, but first I have to wait for this guy to leave- oh he already left. Wow he is really quiet. It's like he teleported out of here. Oh well he's gone for now and it's finally time to close up the café. I waved goodbye to John and Jade as I left, there were closing up today. Once I was out of there, I took out my phone to call Sollux. It rang a few times before he answered, "hello?"
"Kk what'th wrong? You thound like you thaw a ghotht or thomething."
"Well... Kinda... Remember when you told me about how some guy is trying to find you and Eridan and kill you and stuff..?"
"...yea... Why..?"
"Just before I left the café, this really fucking tall man asked me if I've seen you. Don't worry I didn't tell him anything. All I told him was that I haven't seen you and that was it. Right after that he left."
"You heard me, he was fucking horrifying too... Also he I didn't even hear him leave. He's like a fucking ninja or something!" I didn't have to be there with Sollux to tell that he was scared. I was too. Sollux started talking again, "th'hit... what the hell are we going to do?"
"I don't know... Wait sollux? Did you ever go to work in the past three days?"
"Oh... No I haven't.. If I mith another day I'll probably get fired! But I can't leave Eridan here alone!"
"Don't worry! Calm down fuckass. I think we should bring Eridan to my place, and your welcome to stay too. Considering I don't think you'll get your fucking paycheck in time for your rent that's coming up in two fucking days." Sollux was silent for a moment. I guess he's thinking about it. Soon, he spoke up, "yea.. Your right. Eridan and I will leave tomorrow morning. Well get there as soon as possible also I think I'll just have to quit. I hate my job at McDonald's anyway. The costumers are so annoying.."
"I can't argue that. I have a day off tomorrow, so I'll come over to help you get Eridan over to my place, and help you with packing."
"Ok, until then, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Alright, see ya."

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