Chapter 22: How Are We Going To Do This?

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-Cronus's POV-
I couldn't believe Eridan wanted to kill our father. It's just crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Eridan was right. Our father was never as caring and loving as Eridan thinks he is. Our father lied to Eridan explaining how he got the two scars on his face and the scar on my forehead along with the white eyes. The scar on his face was when I scratched him as he was beating me up, that was the same day he turned my eyes white and gave me the scar. Eridan is right. I don't want to hide anymore, and I know Kankri doesn't want to keep hiding either. I looked over at everyone else who seemed to agree with Eridan's idea. I looked at Kankri who was next to me, and he nodded as if giving me permission. I looked back at Eridan and said, "ok Eridan. What's the plan?" Eridan seemed to be a little excited about this. Although, to be honest I feel a little excited myself. Everyone gathered around as Eridan started to explain,"wwell, first wwe havve to get back to our cavve. Then, wwe'd havve to sneak passed the guards."
"Oh! We can use the dry entrance above the chambers!" I said.
"Exactly! Noww, once wwe get to our father's chamber, if he's not there wwe'll wwait for him there. If he is there, he kill him as quickly as possible," Eridan continued. Then Karkat chimed in, "hold on a fucking second. What the hell are we going to do when the guards come and see us there with their jackass king who's now fucking dead?" Eridan looked away for a second then answered Karkat's question,well not really,"good question kar. Hmm... Let's see... There are two guards right outside the opening of our father's chamber at all times. Wwe havve to do something about that..." I started to think to try and help him out. Then I got an idea,"we can get in through one of the other chambers, one that's not guarded, knock them out and get Kankri and Sollux here to play as the guards when our father comes back, because the only times he's in his chamber, are the mornings and the evenings. So we would have to get all of that done by sundown," I explained. Eridan looked at me with a bit of shock. Especially Kankri and Sollux. "Umm, Cr9nus," Kankri started,"w9uldn't he n9tice that we're n9t his guards?" I was about to answer when Eridan interrupted me,"oh don't wworry about that kan, all the guards in the cavve are lowwbloods. You and Sol are perfect for that. That's a really good idea by the wway cro," he said. I thanked him. Soon enough we had a perfect, yet simple plan. Step one, sneak inside. Step two, knock out the guards and act as the guards until Dual Scar comes back. Step three, kill Dual Scar as fast as possible. Step four, get out as fast as we can with the weapons we used to kill him. Step five, I come back to take his place on the throne. It seems simple enough really. All we had to do now was wait until late afternoon. Then, a few boring hours later, it was finally time. We left the our secret cave and made our way to our home cave. We got in through the dry entrance with was really just on the beach. Sollux and Kankri went into Eridan's chamber which is right across Dual Scar's. While Eridan and I made our way to 'the death chamber'. We heard the two outside knock out the guards. Good, they're in place. I took out a large black case from underneath Dual Scar's bed of coral and kelp. I opened it quickly and inside were a bunch of weapons. Eridan grabbed a small crossbow and I grabbed a dagger. I closed the case and slid it back underneath the bed. We heard Sollux tap the wall, signaling that Dual Scar is coming this way. Eridan and I hid above the chamber out of the water. We waited for him to enter the room, and away from the entrance. That's when we jumped back into the water, blocking the entrance. We know he can't go above to escape, he's too big. The upper layer is quite small in height. Dual Scar quickly turned around with a surprised look at first, but then hardened when he saw us here, "huh, I thought you all went to the outcasts' territory and died there. Guess I was wrong. What the hell are you two mistakes of sons doing back here?" ((Sorry I don't exactly know how he talks and I didn't want to mess up))

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