Chapter 5: Do I Like Him?

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-Sollux's POV-
I watched Eridan leave. I looked into my hand to see what he left. It was a yellow pearl. It was beautiful. I didn't know why to do. I just found out that a mermaid saved my life and that he loves me. Wait, did he actually say he loved me? All he said was that ever since he saw me he couldn't stay away and he gave me this priceless pearl. Yea I guess that does mean that he loves me, but... Do I love him? I went back to my apartment. I but the pearl on my bed, then sat down. Do I really like him? I mean, he did give me this pearl and saved my life, twice. Plus, he did have a cute voice and that blush, it may have been violet, but still adorable. Like yea, he does have the horns and the grey skin, but other then that, he's just amazing. I think I really d-. My thoughts where cut off when I heard knocking on the door. Wait, did I over estimate the time I had to pay!? Shit! What if I did? I got up and answered the door. Thank god it wasn't the land lord. It was my best friend Karkat. I sigh, "oh my god kk you thcared me for a thecond."
"How the fuck did I scare you? ...oh you don't have enough money to pay your rent, do you?"
"No I don't actually.."
"Why are you fucking wet?" Shit, I forgot all about that. "I.. Uhh..."
He walked in and I closed the door as he turned around to face me. "Are you going to tell me fuckass?" I guess there was no way I could lie out of this one. I sigh, "I fell into the ocean earlier.."
"What!? You can't swim, did someone save you?"
"Was it Feferi?" He smirked. I blushed slightly. "No it wathn't her! The one who thaved me, heh, you would have no idea"
"So you don't know the person who saved your fucking life?"
"Well, I do but I don't, you the-" I was cut of when Karkat pushed me to the side and walked over to the bed. He turned around holding the pearl. "Where did you get this? Man, this thing is probably worth a thousand dollars! Maybe more! Is this why you don't have enough money for rent? You bought this?"
"Kk, let me explain. I didn't buy it, the guy who thaved me, gave that to me." I really don't want to tell him that this guy that I'm in love with is a mermaid, but either way I'm sure he'll figure it out sooner or later. I might as well tell him now. After all, Karkat is the only good thing that I love about living here. "Kk, I need to tell you thomething." He was still looking at the pearl. "What do you want?"
"Your not going to believe thith, but the man who thaved me, hith name ith Eridan and he'th... A mermaid..." I probably seem crazy to him right now. I won't blame him, I am saying that a mermaid saved my life. "And that'th not even all of it. I think I'm in love with him too.." Ok I most likely seem even more crazy. Karkat was just looking at me, obviously surprised. He had nothing to say. He was speechless.

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