Chapter 3: Finding A Job

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-Sollux's POV-
I walked into my small apartment. And let me tell you, it. Was. A. Fucking. Mess, in here. To be honest it's so small in here that it felt like I was in a prison cell. One small bed in the corner a, a small fridge in the other corner with a couple of counters with cabinets,and a microwave. Also, I had a bean bag for a couch(I didn't have one..), and a small tv on top of a small drawer. I can't believe that this shitty place cost a hundred dollars a month. I sat down on the yellow bean bag and opened my laptop, which I'm very lucky to have considering it was a gift from an old friend, Karkat. I started my search for jobs that I would be interested in. But if I didn't find any, I would just take any job that's open. I'm desperate here. I want to keep this roof over my head, it's shitty, but it's something. I keep on searching and searching for hours. I wasn't really liking any of the jobs that were available. I soon saw and open spot at McDonald's. You know what? I'll take it. I send my application and take a look at the time. 2:45am. Holy shit! I've been looking for job for about four hours!? I sigh as I close my laptop. I put it down next to me and stand up to stretch. I went over to my small bed and immediately fell asleep.
-Eridan's POV-
I was already back at my family's cave, in my chamber. I was on the pile of kelp that i sleep on most of the time. But I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about that human. Ever since he fell into the water I couldn't stop. This isn't even the first time I've seen him, I've seen him from a distance for about a week after I found him. Why can't I stop think about him now? Is it because I realized I'm in love with him? Or is it just because I saved him earlier? Or was it both? I had no idea. It was really dark in my chamber, so my some of my scales were glowing so it wasn't pitch black in here, although I could see in the dark. It's just how I am. I did find a really pretty pearl in the secret cave, it seemed almost a yellow color. Should I try and see if that human is at the docks tomorrow and give it to him without being seen? No, that just seems sorta impossible. But I do want to give this to him at least. I love that human and nothing will change that. I love him with all my heart. I try to fall asleep again, and this time it worked. I feel into a deep sleep.

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