Chapter 23: ...Finally

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-Eridan's POV-
"Huh, I thought you all went to the outcasts' territory and died there. Guess I was wrong. What the hell are you two mistakes of sons doing here?" Dual Scar asked roughly. To be entirely honest, I'm terrified right now. I didn't want to screw up and probably end up getting us all killed or captured or anything like that. I wanted to speak, but I didn't know what to say. That's when Cronus spoke up for me, "well, what the hell do you think we're doing here for?" I was able to build up enough courage to speak, "wwe're here to kill you dad- no... Not dad, no. I don't consider you my father, or evven a father! You wwould beat us senseless, to the point wwhere wwe'd black out!" I aimed the little crossbow at him, "I wwanted to swwim awway, wwhich I did. But, I didn't wwant to just hide awway for the rest of my life and neither did cro." Right after I said that, I shot the arrow which went straight into his left shoulder. His violet blood staining the water. He yelled in pain, then he tried to pull out the arrow that I shot, but it was stuck deep in his bleeding shoulder. He then lunged at me. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for impact, but all that came was another loud yell of agony. I opened my eyes to see the Cronus had shoved a long dagger into Dual Scar's back, causing more of his blood to stain the water. Dual Scar quickly threw himself, with Cronus still on his back, to the wall. This time, it was Cronus who yelled, but he stayed strong and hung on. While Cronus was buying me time, I reloaded the crossbow and aimed it. Dual Scar was still trying to get Cronus off his back, but was failing at it. He yelled in pain again, guess Cronus dug the dagger deeper into his back. I tried to aim carefully so I wouldn't hurt my brother. I shot another arrow at Dual Scar. Then, it all went silent. Dual Scar's eyes widened as he looked down at his chest which now has an arrow sticking out the middle of it. Cronus let go of him and looked down at the dying king. He coughed up some blood and said, "...I've fought in m-many battles before and w-won... But... But now I've been d-defeated by my.. own.. two.. k-kids..." That was it. The king is dead. I looked at Cronus and he looked at me, but before we were able to get out of here, two other guards came in. One of them holding Kankri, the other holding Sollux. Both Cronus and I froze in place. "2orry guy2.." Sollux said and Kankri apologized too,"..we didn't kn9w what t9 d9.." Shit, what were we gonna do!? We've been caught! The guards looked down at their dead king, then back up at us. Then, I will never forget this moment. The guards actually smiled at us. They fucking smiled! This is not what I was expecting at all. I turned my head to Cronus with a confused look on my face and he had the same expression on his face. We looked back at the guards who let go of Sollux and Kankri, and asked, "uh... Wwhy are you twwo smiling..? If I may ask..?" One of the guards, a rust blood, told us, "oh sorry, but we were just smiling because the king is dead. He was a horrible ruler, all of the merfolk were looking forward to the time when you, Cronus, would be old enough to take over. Or his death, which ever comes first. And now he's dead, thanks to you two." Then the other guard, an olive, spoke up, "yeah. And out of all the merfolk, I always knew it would be at least one of you two who'd kill him. We are so very thankful of you boys! The king is dead and now you, Cronus, can take over the throne and make the ocean a better place!" Wow. I really wasn't expecting that at all. Well, not exactly, I've thought about something like this happing. By now, Sollux was at my side while Kankri was at my brother's side. All we could do was smile at this point. I hugged Sollux tightly and laughed, "wwe did it! Haha! Sol wwe did it!" Sollux laughed too then kissed me deeply. Of course I kissed him back. We pulled away and noticed that Cronus and Kankri were also now kissing each other. Well I really didn't need to see that. I still couldn't believe that we successfully killed Dual Scar, and got away with it that easily! It was truly amazing. At this point, the two guards left, probably to go tell others what happened. I kissed Sollux again, and he kissed back. Finally, I can come home now and actually feel safe. Also, now I have Sollux to share it with.

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