Chapter 21: Whoa. Wait.

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-Karkat's POV-
Wow Sollux is a merman. I don't even know what to think right now. Honestly I feel kinda... Left out. Sollux is a merman and has Eridan, and Kankri is a merman too and he has Cronus. I'm just a human who has no one to love like they do. Oh well I guess. I'll just do my best to help them out. Actually now that I think about it, they'll just have to run away? I mean like, if Eridan's father won't let him date a 'lowblood' there was no chance of getting him to allow his son date a human. The least those two can do is just swim away like his brother and Kankri. They've managed this long so, why can't we? It's really our only option at this point. Eridan and Sollux were still trying to figure this out as I was in my thoughts the whole time. Wow ok, why didn't they come up with the idea of simply 'swimming' away yet? I sighed. They're idiots... I decided to continue watching them, just to see how long it takes them to get the idea. They are thinking way to hard about this. Especially Eridan. I didn't notice that Kankri and Cronus came in until, Kankri said something to me, "hell9 Karkat, what seems t9 6e the pr96lem with th9se tw9?" I jumped a bit when he spoke to me, but I answered his question, "what? Oh yea, so Sollux became a fucking merman, and right now they are trying to figure out shit, because it turns out the Sollux is a god damn 'lowblood'," I explained, "and for some fucking reason, they haven't come up with the idea to just run and hide and all that shit. It's actually pretty funny I've been sitting here for like fifteen fucking minutes and still no clue." Kankri looked at Eridan and Sollux going on and on then all of a sudden, Cronus comes between them and smily says, "why don't you guys just swim away and hide like me Kankri did?" After a couple of seconds, both Eridan and Sollux facepalmed at the exact same time. I just laughed, "ha! You two are fucking idiots! I was sitting here wondering when you two fish-asses would come up with that! Haha!" They just glared at me for a moment and Sollux said in an annoyed tone,"really? Fii2h-a22? ii2 that really the be2t you can come up wiith?" Ok I admit, 'fish-ass' was not my best move. I probably could've done better. Well too late now I already said it! "Whatever," was all I said as I crossed my arms and looked away from their glares. God, it was like they were staring into my soul...
-Eridan's POV-
Well. That just happened. Anyway, I just can't believe we never even thought of swimming away! It was so simple! But on second thought, I don't want to just hide any more. I want to actually be able to go near my cave without getting ripped to shreds by my own dad! "Hmm..." Was all I said as I continued to think, "well we can hide until Cronus is able to take dad's place and we'd be home free," I mumbled to myself, "but that won't happen for another few years... Unless something happened to our father.. THATS IT!" I yelled that last part which seemed to startle everyone. Whoops. Anyway I started to explain, "cro, something needs to happen to dad so that you can take his place! You may not be old enough to to inherit the throne but that doesn't mean you can't take over when he's gone!" Cronus looked at me with a surprised look, "whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA. You're telling me that you want to get our father killed!? Hey, chief if you haven't noticed, that would be murder! Do you really want to murder our father!? Like I know he's a total jackass most of the time, but do you really think killing him is the best option?" He yelled. I just kinda got pissed, "wwell cro do you remember that he almost killed me!?" I yelled back, "If you didn't come in at the time I wwas getting the shit beat out of me, I wwould probably be dead right noww! I'm surprised I didn't evven get a scar from him ripping my tail to shreds! And noww that I think of it, hasn't he done similar things to you sevveral countless times? I may havve been just a toddler at the time but wwhen I saww you getting hurt I tried to stand up to dad! And you did the same for me! Wwhy can't wwe just kill him so wwe don't havve to hide!?" I breathed heavily as I finished my rant. Cronus looked at me with almost pure shock as well as Karkat, Kankri, and Sollux. I knew that they're wondering what's going on in my head, why do I want to kill my own father. Well, he's an ass and he almost killed me and Cronus, so why wouldn't I want to kill him? I understand that it would be murder, but what other choices do we have other then hiding for the rest of our lives? Let me tell you, I do NOT want to hide anymore than I already have! It's almost pointless to hide anyway, my father rules most of the ocean! Like we could leave the kingdom's territory, but then that would leave us in the outcasts' territory where we wouldn't last a minute there! It's like the outcasts there aren't even merfolk anymore! So, killing my father is the best option we've got. The only question we have now is, how?

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