Chapter 11: Transfer

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-Sollux's POV-
Shit I couldn't believe this! Eridan wasn't kidding when he said his father wanted me dead! What does this guy have against humans anyway? Like yea I can understand the pollution thing, but seriously! Accidents happen! There's nothing we can do about that! After I talked to Karkat over the phone, I went back to the bathroom where Eridan was, "wwho wwas that sol?" He asked. I sighed, "it wath kk... He umm... Told me that there wath thith... really tall creepy guy... Who wath..." I paused and rubbed the bak of my neck, "looking for me..." I could see fear in his eyes, "I... I think I knoww wwho that is..." He said with a shaky tone to his voice. Wow, if he really does know this guy, then that must mean they guy looking for me is also a mermaid- merman? I still don't understand this shit. I sat down by the tub and asked how he knows the guy looking for me, "well umm... How ith he then? And how do you know thith guy?" He looked down and started to explain, "no one knowws his real name but evveryone calls him the Grand High Blood. He's a merman too," ok now I understand the mermaid, merman thing, "but he has a special powwer that allowws him to change his tail into a pair of legs. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I havve seen my dad do it before though. He told me that the transformation thing wwas a special powwer that only some havve. But I think anyone can do it, they just don't knoww howw. And so that means I don't knoww howw either." Damn it! I was gonna say, he could just change his tail into legs, then I could give him some of my clothes to wear when we move him to Karkat's house. Wait a minute I still need to let him know about that! Well I guess I should let him finish explaining, "Anyway we're getting off topic. My dad must'vve sent the Grand High Blood to kill you and bring me back. I'vve tried to swwim awway in the past sevveral times, but he alwways brought me back. It's no surprise that my dad sent him to do the job." He finally finished, and when he did he looked like he was going to cry. I lightly patted his hair and damn his hair was soft! He looked at up at me and I decided I should tell him now, "don't worry Eridan. Tomorrow, me and you are going to go to kk'th houthe. It would be thafer there becauthe that guy ith looking for me right?" He nodded, "tho, that would mean he'll find out where I live. But by the time he doeth get here, me and you will be long gone and away from here. How doeth that thound to you?" He looked away for a moment then back up at me, "it sounds like a great plan sol, but I do havve one question," he said, "howw wwill I get there wwithout being seen?" He did have a good point there. How will Karkat and I get Eridan, who's a merman, out of my apartment and into his house without him being seen. When we first brought him up here, we were lucky no one was there at the time. There's no way it would happen happen again. Then I get a brilliant idea, "you won't."
"You will be theen, but not ath a merman," I said to him. He just gave me a look of confusion and fear mixed, "I don't see wwhere you're going this..." I pushed up my glasses a bit then I get the chair and kneel down so that I'm face to face with him, "I'm trying to thay that we could make you look human when we bring you to kk'th." He quickly responded still not understanding what I meant, "sol, I just said, not too long ago, that I don't knoww howw to do that." I held onto his shoulders, he looked at me surprised by my sudden action, "that'th not what I meant. What I meant wath that I could give you one of my th'hirts, a hat of thome kind, put thome makeup on you, then get a blanket or two to cover your tail!" At first, it didn't seem like he thought it was good, but then he nodded in agreement, "ok sol. I trust you."
~~timeskip to morning~~
Karkat should be here soon. Eridan was all ready to go. He had on a plain long sleeved black shirt, some peach-ish colored makeup on his face, neck which was covered with a scarf that I found laying around, and on his hands. I have given him a blanket that was big enough to wrap around his tail and hide it completely. The horn on his head weren't really that big so I just gave him a large hoodie that hid his horns perfectly. As I was doing some final touches on Eridan's makeup to make sure there was no grey showing through, my phone buzzed. I quickly finished up and picked up the phone and saw there was a text from Karkat,
"CG: HEY, I JUST PARKED THE CAR RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING. IM ON MY WAY UP NOW." I quickly sent him a reply and put my phone in my pocket. Karkat came in as I lifted Eridan and held him in my arms. I already finished all my packing and brought it all into his car before getting Eridan out of the apartment. When people in the lobby saw me holding him as he had all this stuff on, I just said that he was sick and I was getting him to the doctor's. We got him into the car and I sat in the back with him while Karkat drove. He does live pretty far from here, I think it's about three or four miles away. We were almost to Karkat's house when I decided to break the silence that was in the car the whole time, "tho.. Eridan?" I said. "Hmm?"
"Uhh, your brother.. What'th the name of the perthon he liketh?" I was trying to lighten the mood and get all of this killing shit out of our heads for now,
"Oh, wwell cro is in lovve wiith this guy named Kankri an-"
"Wait what!?" Karkat yelled, cutting him off as he pulled over and turned around to look at Eridan, completely shocked. I was also shocked. "Umm... W-wwhy does that surprise you guys so much...?" Eridan asked shyly.

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