Chapter 3 Part 12: The Knowing, and The Keeping

Start from the beginning

-Class Trial-
In session!

"Let's start with a small little itty bitty explanation on the class trial! Basically... wait, what happens again? Why are we here?" Ressa said.

"You don't remember!? Didn't you set up this killing game in the first place!?" Imamura yelled.

"Listen Miss Egg, I have ADHD so you shouldn't judge me! Or at least I think I have ADHD..." Ressa replied.

"More like dementia..." Sugai responded, entirely bored.

"Hey! I take offense to that! Even though I don't know what that means because it's another stupid ADOLESCENT JOKE!!!" Ressa yelled back. "Anyways, in a class trial, the students work to try and figure out whodunnit! Then, after solving the mystery, they vote on who they think killed them victim! If it's right, then only the blackened will be brutally executed! But, if you're super duper mega wrong, then-"

"Everybody else suffers. We get it. Can we start now!?" Yamazaki replied.

"Well JEEZ!!! I'm sorry, what if someone doesn't understand!? I barely understand! This recap is for me and no one else! I'm the narrator, you don't get to finish when you want me to! Anyway, I'm done. Go on and figure out who killed the bitches!" Ressa chuckled.

"Um, so, what should we begin discussing?" Kawata asked.

"Um, I think w- we should go over things we already know about the case! O- or, if you guys th- think that would be a good idea..." Arima said.

"RIGHT!!!" Sugai laughed. "I'LL BEGIN THEN!!!"

Non-stop Debate

Kajiwara's Autopsy
Murder File 2
Bloody Bat

"Alrighty-oh! Let's begin with a brief explanation of the class trial!" Sugai began.

"Hey! I already did that! You can't take my spotlight!" Ressa yelled.

"So, the bodies were were placed right on top of each other..."

"And we know that they went there this morning to go decorate that weird little room."

"They were both killed in that room!"

"In the exact same way! They both had their skulls smashed in!"

"No that's wrong!" I yelled.

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course I'm right!" Sugai replied.

"No Sugai, look at Kajiwara's autopsy! Tengan's wound wasn't severe enough to kill her!" I said.

"Well maybe she's still alive! What do you think of that!?" Sugai snapped back.

"No, that's not the case. There were two body announcements. And I would've known if Tengan was alive." Kajiwara explained. Sugai's stared blankly, before looking away angrily and folding his arms.

"Stupid Kajiwara... always ruining my fun..." Sugai pouted.

"Well, then what did kill her? The only thing at the crime scene was a bloody bat, and I'm pretty sure it can't cut someones neck open." Miyazaki said response.

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