This plate is my new best friend

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Jason POV

I can not believe that I fell pray to the deadliest monster of all, Laughter. slowly the room started to calm, with the help of Selena and Emma, though I hadn't seen her come in.

it took so long, and piper had to hold onto me, and I held her close, before we both sat on the couch where I planted a kiss on her lips to get her quiet. Frank was hiccupping, and I was very funny watching him, because he looked like so rediculious.

It was very awkward afterwards, and Chiron, dismissed us, and said he would talk to us tomorrow. Piper and I led the way, out the office and into the dinning pavilion. I kissed Piper goodbye before leading Marcus,Emma and Selena; to the Hermes cabin were all the undetermined demigods go.

Selena and Emma sat close together while the Stoll brothers innocently talked to Marcus; but I knew they were up to something.

'yo Perce, can I go get a bite?' Percy nodded and punched me in the shoulder lightly before I walked over to the lonely Zeus table. From where I was sitting, I could see Percy hug Selena before walking to his table.Frank and Hazel did the same walking off;while Leo stood there awkwardly.

Leo p.o.v

' so... I like enchiladas.' I said to Emma whom wasn't listening. I started staring at Selena waiting for her to notice me, then Conner Stoll walked over to me and said' man stop stalking the newbies!' I turned a deep shade of red before answering,' I am not stalking 'them' im stalking 'her' I said pointing at Selena, that's when I noticed that the entire mess hall fell silent and were watching our conversation.

Selena looked away blushing and trying hard not laugh. 'Well this is awkward.' I said slightly louder than intended. A few people on the tables nearest to us began to laugh.

Then Conner said' thank you, thank you very much' trying to imitate an Elvis Presley tone, and bowing with his hand stretched towards me, making me blush a deep shade of red. If looks could kill, I'd be a dead enchilada! As percy gave me a death glare. I walked towards the Hephaestus table as Dionysus stood up to announce something.

Marcus p.o.v

The Stoll brothers were a crack up, as dinner started they told me so many jokes that I spit up my drink, getting a few glances from some of the campers. I sat patiently for someone to bring dinner, and waited, and waited. Everyone else was eating, then Emma nudged me in the ribs.

'why aren't you eating?' she asked. I looked at her plate filled with salad, Greek salad to be precise.

' no-ones got me food yet, how'd you get yours so quickly?' I asked.

'Honey you talk to the plate not me!' she said turning her back on me and talking to Selena about whom their godly parent could be. So I turned towards the plate, with a pout on my face and said desperately.

'plate! I am so hungry.. and no-ones got me food, I could eat pizza and ice-cream combined maybe just the pizza... for now' I didn't expect a response, so I turned to complain to Emma and was startled by the magic food that appeared on my plate.

'I like this plate!" I said loudly. I picked up a slice of pizza, and it was an inch from my mouth when everyone turned and gasped at me.

'SEROUSLY!? Im hungry!!" I whined, one of the Stoll brothers pointed to my head, actually above my head, Dionysus got up annoyed and said.

'yipee, we got another Apollo kid, 3 cheers... hip-hip ..oh whatever forget it.' He finished then Chiron stood up and said' Hail, Marcus Tonlist. Son of Apollo god of Healing, music and speaker of prophecies.'

I gasped as I stared at the strange, floating light of... I'm not really sure what it was, but anyway I moved it followed me. Emma stared at me warily looking at the ball of light above my head.

Then she said, 'can you turn that thing off now, I want to eat and it's freaking me out.' I sat down and tried to eat, and slowly the symbol above my head faded, along with my food, as it entered my stomach.

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