The Rise of the Devil Baby and the Chicken Ladies

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Emma p.o.v

The screams grew louder and louder as we drew nearer. I can hear the batting of wings as the 3 pegasi took off to check the perimeter. As we reached the entrance of the autism center pieces of rumble was being flung everywhere, the center was being destroyed by three of the ugliest Cyclops I have ever seen, the largest one was a female; wearing a chainmail ‘muumuu’ I think that's what it looks like, the largest Cyclops had long greasy black hair and was about 12 feet tall and the other two Cyclops were slightly smaller than the female, and both very, very stupid. Each of them held a club and each were crushing pieces of the autism center to dust. It was extremely noisy like a jackhammer being turned on in my ears. I turned around trying to see any sign of Marcus; but I couldn’t.

‘GO FIND MARCUS AND TRY TO FIND AND HELP ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE UNDER THE RUBLE!’ I yelled to Selena, I think she heard me because she nodded and mouthed ‘be careful’ and then ran towards the ruble searching for anyone she can help. She was soon gulped by a gust of sand and smoke as some fire was starting to spread.

I reached for my necklace(that can turn into a dagger with a dove at the tip of the handle) and rubbed it, the next thing i notice my necklace is gone and im rubbing my neck like an idiot. perfect, i just let my best friend run to her death with me following her close behind.

I start to hear a few battle cries; really weird ones matter of fact. So I decided to yell a random battle cry like 'FOR THE AUTISTIC PEOPLE’ which was drowned away by all the ruckus; pieces of wood,metal,stone even a projector were now on their way to crash airport Emma; but I smoothly dodged them (if you consider smooth screaming and running in circles then yes, smooth), I started freaking out; what if Selena needed my help?!oh god please let her be alive!!! So I decided to move my frozen butt and find something; then I remembered that Selena hid a kitchen knife in my boot (sounds painful I know but she put it in a case, so im good). When I found it I yelled the same random battle cry and I charged the smallest Cyclops.

For a Cyclops that's stupid he had very good aim, he saw me coming even with one eye. And sidestepped me, which was useless cause I went under his feet. He threw his club aiming at me and with my luck it crushed my left ankle. Pain started to fill me and I let out a scream of pain( I just got my ankle crushed give me a break!)and I felt tears starting to fill my eyes. I tried to stand up, failing miserably until Rosy came and caught me then dragged me to the back of the building.

Rosy suddenly fell to the ground twitching; and I notice there was a sharp piece of glass wedged between her ribcage. She was twitching horrible. Then a terrible and very familiar scream filled the space around.

‘SELENA!!!!!NO!!!” and then I lunged to the side forgetting about the pain in my ankle. Just worried like hell about my friend practically my sister.

‘EMMA HELP ME PLEASE!!! HURRY I FOUND HIM AND IM STUCK!!!’ I heard my best friend yell in pain. And ran to the source; just as I reached I was tackled my something, or actually 2 things, I started to struggle getting out of my position,

‘woah’-I saw Selena and crushed her in a bear hug-‘can’t breath!!!!!” she gasped as I let her go.

‘EMMA HELP ME PLEASE!!!” I heard her voice but she was right infront of me… how is that possible.

‘I found him, but he is- but he isn’t mortal, he is a demigod and amazing at archery. You see that pile of dust that was a giant about to sign my death warrantee!’ Selena was practically adoring my boyfriend which got on my nerve a bit.

Then there he was the most amazing sight I had ever seen (I was almost heading to my doom trying to help Selena so yes, the most amazing sight) it was Marcus he jumped down the old autism center sign and kissed me. His warm lips on mine, how his body radiated power; I could’ve stayed forever…,

‘enough lovey dovey moments princess… wait!- we all tensed- we is Rosy?!”Selena asked a little afraid of the answer

‘come on we have to leave-‘wait what about Rosy’ selena asked- Selena her job was to protect you two with her life’.Marcus said then helped me up but I yelped in pain.- ‘I should have brought some nectar or ambriosa!’- so he carried me instead.

As we made our way past the burning building to the exploded bus, we saw that little autistic boy that held on to me and a little baby.

‘he-he-her-here’ the boy stuttered and handed me my necklace.

‘oh god,thank you- and I hugged him-come on we have to save you two’.i told him.

‘umm… guys.. are babies supposed to turn into vampire devils chick with the donkey legs?’ Selena asked. Then I was on the ground with a freak on my boyfriend with her mouth to his neck.

‘GET AWAY FROM HIM!! YOU STUPID-Selena started stabbing the vampire donkey with the kitchen knife repeatedly- UGLY-more stabbing-VAMPIRE/DONKEY/ROBOT THING THAT I DON’T KNOW THE BLODDY NAME TOO!!!!!!!”  Selena yelled then the vampire donkey evaporated to golden dust.

‘FLAPJACK!!!PINECONE, SKYLARK!!! COME DOWN HERE NOW!!!!’ she started crying as she made her way to my boyfriends lifeless body. Next thing I see and hear is some really ugly chicken ladies with leathery skin that was probably stretched took a screaming, thrashing Selena into the air.

‘SELENA!!!!!!!!!’ I screamed at the top of my voice before I noticed I was losing a lot of blood from an arrow wedged into my shoulder and was engulfed into darkness.

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