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"Sir, are you hungry? Because I am"

"Stop calling me sir"

"Why do you speak like this? Can't you use a more soft tone to a baby like me?" Jungkook said in a baby tone and acting cute.

"U-uh this is the way I speak. Get used to it bunny" he said maintaining the cold tone.

"Bunny? Why does everyone call me bunny? Do I look like one?" He asked smiling.

"Boy, your smile is like a bunny"

"Ohhhhh by the way may I enter the kitchen? I'm hungry"

"You're gonna make me something too?" Taehyung asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No sir, only for me" he said with a teasing smile.

"You don't want me to kick you out, do you?"
His eyes became darker and scarier.

"Geez! Just kidding! I'll make you something too" Jungkook said trying to act cool but Taehyung's eyes surely scared him.

"Good boy" he moved closer and whispered in a deep voice.

"U-uh I-I"

"By the way you look good in my clothes"


"Like what?"

"Like you're gonna eat me" his whispered. He felt so weak under that stranger whom he have known only for hours.

"Do you want me to eat you?" He asked smirking.

"SHUT UP!" Yelling this, he ran to the kitchen without looking back at Taehyung.




"Call me Taehyung"

"Ok Taehyung. Here"

"Thanks. You can sit here if you want"

"Thank you"

"Woah. It's so good"

"I know! I am the the son of Gordon Ramsay" he said flipping his imaginary long hair.

"Oh my goodness! Really?! Can I meet him?!"

"Taehyung, chill! I was kidding. You're so dumb" he said laughing loudly.

"Oh yeah? See you're the dumb one here. Can't even understand sarcasm" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Wow the knife looks so sharp today"

"Wanna kill me?"

"I wish"

"Then where will you live?"

"That's the problem" he said pouting.

Taehyung just chuckled and continued eating.


"What are you doing there?"

"Umm.. nothing just tryna sleep"


"I don't have a place to sleep"

"There's plenty of space in this house"

"Umm... I can't sleep"

"Oh come on! Tell me you wanna sleep in the bed you brat"

"Hey who are you calling brat huh? It's just I can't sleep anywhere but a bed"

"Sleep on the couch then"

"How about giving me this?" He asked pointing to the bed Taehyung was laying in.

"No way! You're such a spoiled brat"

"You're so cruel! Karma will get you for being a bitch to a baby like me!" he walked away stomping his feet and carrying a big blanket.

"Have a good night bunny!"

"Shut up bitch!"

"Oh baby you have no idea who you're talking to"


"Good morning Taehyungieeee!!!"

Taehyung was waken up by a loud but cute voice.

"Are you shutting up or should I kick you out?!"

"Oh sorry grandpa!"

"Brat" he mumbled to himself and went back to sleep but couldn't sleep long because of the smell that came from his kitchen.

"Woah. Why does it smell so good?" He turned towards the bedroom door and saw Jungkook with a pan in one hand and a paper in other. He came closer and started to fan the aroma all around the room.

"I knew it! You can't resist my amazing cooking"

He facepalmed himself. "I'm done so with you. Move out as soon as possible"

"Taehyungie is kicking me out?" He asked with a pout and puppy eyes.

"Stop with that pout. I might have to kiss it away" he said smirking.

"You pervert! Come and eat now!"

"Yeah coming" he got up chuckling and went to the bathroom.


"Where the hell did you learn to cook so well?" Taehyung asked, amazed by Jungkook's cooking skills.

"I'm a born chef" he smiled proudly.

"I was thinking about appointing you as my personal chef" he said just to see his reaction.

"Really?! Thank you so much!" Jungkook literally jumped on Taehyung's lap and hugged him.

Taehyung was surprised and probably got butterflies too but he just maintained his strict tone and cold behaviour.

"Wanna get kicked out?"

"Oh sorry. I was just too happy! I was thinking of finding a place to live anyways" he said getting off Taehyung.

"You really wanna work?" Ofcourse he was not thinking about making the boy work.

"Yeah! I don't need money, just a place to live"

"Ok then"

"I can work?" He asked pretty excited.


"Thank you Taehyung!" He hugged him again and ran off to the kitchen.

"Sorry for hugging you, don't kick me out!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"What did you do to me?" He whispered to himself as he noticed how soft he was getting for that boy whom he had known only for a day.


Bunny- Taekook (Mafia FF) ✅Where stories live. Discover now