Book 2: 3

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Diva's mind felt like it had been shot with a tranquilizer. The world around her was hazy and dull, and her body felt heavy as if she were trying to move through the water. It was like waking up from a long sleep, disorienting and confusing. As she struggled to lift herself up, she realized that everything before her eyes was spinning, making it difficult to get a clear view of where she was.

Her gaze swept across the room, finally coming to rest on the figure seated on the couch a few meters away from her bed. He sat with his arms resting heavily on his thighs, his fingers tightly interlaced. His intense gaze bore into her with a weighty intensity that made her feel as though he could see straight through to her soul. His dark brown eyes seemed to flicker with emotion, and she found herself unable to tear her gaze away from his penetrating stare.

Jungkook rose to his feet, his hand gripping the cold metal of the pistol tightly. Even in the darkness, the gun gleamed menacingly, casting an eerie light on his face as he stepped before her. There was no need for words, no need for explanations. She knew what was coming, and so did he.  With a steady hand, he aimed the pistol at her heart, his eyes locked on hers. He watched her expression carefully, trying to gauge what she was thinking, what she was feeling at that moment.  But before he could pull the trigger, Diva moved. She grabbed the gun from his hand and pointed it at her own head, her finger resting lightly on the trigger. There was a moment of stunned silence as Jungkook watched in horror, unable to believe what he was seeing.  And then, with a resounding click, nothing happened.

The gun slipped out of Jungkook's hand in shock, every word Taehyung had blurted out never seemed so true. She truly wished to die than be with him.

Jungkook had lost. The realization was like a punch to the gut but his love had lost. His world crumbled around him, leaving him feeling utterly defeated. The weight of his failure bore down on him like a crushing weight, and he found himself unable to move, unable to speak.

"I feel so tired" Diva's voice broke through his thoughts, hoarse and tired, but filled with a sense of resignation. She shifted slightly, making room for him on the bed.

She tugged at him gently, coaxing him to sit beside her. "Gukiee," she murmured, using the nickname that only she could call him. 

She felt a sense of comfort wash over her. The familiar musky scent with a hint of vanilla made all of her pain fade away. She cupped his cheek, making him look at her directly. "Gukiee, I need you" she whispered, her voice filled with love and tenderness.

The words fell from her lips like a gentle caress, sending shivers down Jungkook's spine. He longed to respond, to tell her how much he needed her too, but his lips quivered, and all that escaped was a short breath. But she wasn't deterred. Her fingers moved deftly, unbuttoning his shirt with practiced ease. He felt her warm breath on his skin as she leaned in closer, her lips hovering just inches from his own.

"I need you," she whispered again, her voice low and husky. Her hands moved to his belt, but before she could unfasten it, he stopped her, holding her hands in his own.

"I just want to hold you...nothing more just let me hold you" she almost pleaded, her words breaking in the middle.

She looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for some sign of what he was feeling. But all she saw was pain and confusion, he struggling to hold back some great sorrow.

"Why?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Why now?"He posed a question whose answer couldn't be said out loud. She couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth, knowing it would crush whatever was left of him. So, she stood there in silence, staring at the man feeling nothing but emptiness inside.

"I can't do this anymore" He gave her a pained smile reading more to her silence.

For years, Diva had longed for this moment, to finally have what she had always wished for. But now that it had come to fruition, her heart held no joy. The man standing before her, the one she had desired to break was broken and yet she couldn't summon a shred of happiness.

With a heavy heart, Diva placed a lingering kiss on his lips before finally letting him go. She knew that from that moment on, she was forever tainted as his, and he was irrevocably broken as hers. Without another word, she moved away from him and turned her back, not wanting to witness him walking away from her. She could feel his gaze on her, heavy with unspoken words and raw emotion, but she refused to acknowledge it.

The silence was daunting but Jungkook made no move to get out of their bed. Staring at the empty space in front of him he waited for her to speak. Anything. Anything to make him stay but the silence never ceased. It only extended with every tick of the clock.

"You want to die rather than be with me huh?" he let out a humorless huff.

Diva turned to face him, "I wish to die rather being without you" she spoke the only words that she could muster.

Her word rather than mending her hit him like a wrenching ball as he knew it was another of her lies.  Those words were honey laced with poison but then he was merely a poor bee, caught in the web of her deceit.

For a moment, there was silence between them. Then, he spoke, his voice heavy with emotion," You are a liar, Noona" he accused.

"I know," she admitted, "And yet you are here" she pointed out.

"And yet I am here" he repeated, his eyes never leaving hers.

His mind screamed for him to show himself mercy, and yet he was there. The vibrating pain that had plagued his body hurled him to escape the never-ending cycle of torture he had subjected himself to, and still not a muscle in his body moved. He knew all he had to do was take a step and he was free from the chain of her suffocating love, just one step and perhaps one day his heart would be free from the burden of her love but no moves were made.

Jungkook tugged the blanket over his body and shifted closer allowing Saya to snuggle close to him.

"Can you sing me to sleep?" she asked, her eyes already drooping.

He nodded, caressing her hair gently as he started to sing her favorite lullaby. He watched her as she drifted off to sleep, her breathing soft and even. Despite his inner turmoil and doubts, he knew that he could never bring himself to walk away from her.

And so he continued to sing.


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